ImmVRse’s Guide to VR — Why ImmVRse Could Become A Market Leading DApp

Farabi S.
ImmVRse Updates
Published in
6 min readJun 24, 2018

Virtual Reality is a means of viewing the world in a completely unique manner for more than just the gaming industry. It has formed into a communication platform that makes the world a closer and better place. So what other industries can benefit from VR?

Just about every major technology company is tossing their hat in the ring, including Facebook, Google and Apple. Highly respected universities like Oxford, Stanford and MIT are promoting VR. The media have fully embraced VR as “the ultimate empathy machine,” and major entertainment companies from Fox to the NFL are backing it. So many of the top brands and companies are using VR, it would probably be easier to list those who aren’t. According to Forbes, 75% of the world most influential companies, have some form of VR contained in their marketing strategy.

ImmVRse, a Decentralised Application (DApp) for VR, is aiming to fundamentally revolutionise the future of content creation by introducing a dedicated platform for VR content creators.

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Imagine, what if you have a second chance at getting into cryptocurrencies right before the exponential growth few years ago? Both the virtual reality and blockchain industry is on the verge of explosion. In a matter of few years, VR will be widely used consumer technologies. Why?

ImmVRse has compiled a list of the a few industries that will heavily impacted by the use of VR:


Research carried out by a team of psychologists in 2005 showed that virtual reality can support conservative rehabilitation methods of brain damage. ImmVRse is currently conducting a research in partnership with Imperial College London on the effects of VR to the human brain. The results indicate that VR has a significantly higher rate of affecting human brains 2D videos. This can radically change the way patients with neurological and psychological disorders are treated.


Various apps are now available to utilise the immersive nature of VR technology to assist with meditation. With the growth of meditation apps growing faster, ImmVRse can help push the growth of VR in this sector.


The Guardian is just one example of major news platforms branching out to develop content in VR. The Guardian newspaper used the storytelling power of VR, to transport the viewer to a windowless solitary confinement prison cell. The experiment was a huge success as it highlighted psychological responses such as empathy.


VR allows to get close to phobias without having to actually deal with them head on. Fears such as anxiety, heights or the fear of flying can be experienced and in some cases reduced with relevant VR material.

Real Estate

The home buying process could get a lot easier in the future with prospective buyers walking through their dream house from the comfort of their own living room. Content creators will be able to offer such services to companies via ImmVRse DApp.

ImmVRse CEO Farabi Shayor in a panel session at the largest tech conference in Eurpore, TechXLR8 at London Tech Week, 2018.


VR allows for companies to test scenarios and designs, and experience products before they are even made.

Ford Motor Company’s Immersion Lab allows employees to don a virtual reality headset and walk around to view a vehicle. Colleagues can watch what they experience on a large screen.

Ford also uses the technology to examine the entire exterior and interior of a car design, as well as to drill right down to how a particular element looks, such as a dashboard or upholstery.


Imagine a technology that allows for children to be taught in their homes or towns and avoid walking 5 miles to the nearest school. Virtual reality in the education and training sectors provide a wealth of advantages. For instance, Siemens is using virtual reality to train future employees — for example, on oil rigs. This includes the handling of errors occurring, but also the very concrete “daily business” on a platform.

Learn How VR Can change the World — by ImmVRse


With Ready Player One a global success, many more movies will follow to enhance the audience’s experience. 2018 is bringing a raft of new titles on the big screen as well series for giants such as Netflix. Films such as Jurassic World are using VR to create marketing hype around the world.


Within the travel industry, VR is the ideal supplement to their marketing and promotional campaigns. With the immersive experiences that are available, travel brands can offer customers an opportunity to see new sights or enjoy exotic adventures without leaving the comfort of their own space. Hotels are already jumping on board with this new technology, and it won’t be long before nearly every tour and activity operator offers some type of VR experience to their travellers.

The ImmVRse Team

Being backed by an ensemble of experts from a range of sectors, including relevant technologies, IT Management, VR, computer security and blockchain development, ImmVRse is capable of creating an incredibly powerful community of VR content creators. If you believe in the power of VR and future of blockchain, join us now. We have over 50,000 supporters on various social media who are waiting to create a better future for VR.

ImmVRse Use Cases

So now that you understand the impact of VR, how will ImmVRse become a leading blockchain-VR DApp? How is blockchain relevant to our platform? How does the utility token create value? Here are the following five use cases for ImmVRse:

  1. Blockchain technology to enable smart contracts and introduce peer to peer hiring process without the requirement of a middleman — companies and VR content creators set their own terms in order to facilitate a job contract. Therefore, payments are released based on satisfaction and achievement of milestones set/agreed by both parties.
  2. Enabling cross-border payment and simplifying payment process — utilising an ERC20 ecosystem token (IMV) to initiate payments within the application. Every user will have their own Ethereum wallet address using which cross border payments can be simplified. This will allow us to process payments in many developing and under developed countries and also attracting potential VR users from all around the globe.
ImmVRse has been featured on mainstream press as well multiple crypto news sites.
  1. Utilising decentralised indexing process to store sensitive information on blockchain — we have partnered with Origin Protocol who are providing us with a framework for marketplace DApps on blockchain. All sensitive information would be indexed and stored on distributed nodes using IPFS.
  2. ImmVRse will also be a content sharing platform, where users will be able to watch VR videos. We are using smart contracts to automate loyalty and rewarding process — Our ImmVRse token will be rewarded to the users who would receive badges for interacting with the application. We are developing a process where for companies to advertise on the platform — and a portion of their profit will be distributed to the users. Using blockchain makes it simple and transparent — more interaction with the DApp will result in better rewards.


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