Failing A Fitting Finale

A poem

Ben Human
Imogene’s Notebook
2 min readApr 9, 2024


Hand with light green sweater cuff holding a four-leafed clover
Photo by Harris Vo on Unsplash

Oh, the Irish.
And aren’t they grand?
Van Morrison,
Joyce, Yeats,

Your leaving, lass,
was as sure
and exampled
as your life &
its living
was not.

All we know
& will
to forget,
you wore on
your sleeve like
a spreading stain.

I loved you
like a father
& brother, though
I drank from
your eyes like
a son in pain.

Your heart
& your wit,
& the failing of it
felt not enough
when it was
all too much.

I wasn’t ready,
no words existed,
to write you off in
a fitting farewell
on your untimely
goodbye as scheduled.

