Family Heirloom

Free verse poetry

Peculiar Julia
Imogene’s Notebook
Apr 11, 2024


an old gilt clock, with a silk face embroidered with flowers, sat on a bookshelf.
Photo by permission of Tahra Mei Kantić copyright 2024

Mum’s old gilt clock
asks more questions
than it answers, its faded,
flowered face of silken pinks
watches from the bookcase.

Left for years unwound,
the tick’s too loud,
it has followed us still.
Stayed clung to us like secrets
from home to other home,

stuck with us like family,
although so many kin are dead,
that now only I know the tales
it keeps untold, and I choose
to leave it silent.

Julia Kantić 2024

More poetry by Peculiar Julia



Peculiar Julia
Imogene’s Notebook

Writer of poetry, prose, & the occasional rant. I feed the monsters under my bed story cake & poem pastries. What do you feed them?