I See Myself Anew

A poem

Judy Walker
Imogene’s Notebook
1 min readJun 18, 2024


A middle-aged woman sitting on the shores of a mountain river.
Image of Author taken by Keath Lengle

How to make friends
with my aging skin,
my belly rounded
by time passing?

How can I let go of the belief
that something about me
needs improving, always —
my hair, my weight, my shape?

I wish to turn my mind
inside out, discard
every negative thought
and belief burrowed

into my being like a sliver.
Burn them in candle flame
like heretics at the stake
and once done,

behold my naked reflection,
weep tears of joy
at discovering
my beauty anew.

I touch my round belly,
taste my tears, as if they were
holy water come to anoint
my body with eternal love.

I exorcise the inner voice.
It isn’t mine.
Never belonged to me.



Judy Walker
Imogene’s Notebook

Curiosity led. Relationship fed. Writing about the gritty, lovely, naughty, and joyful bits of humanhood.