Mum was a Joyful Juggler of Life

A Poem

Ellen Catherine
Imogene’s Notebook


Group of hands together with a red lip-stick painted heart drawn over them.
Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

She was from all of us
and we
from all of her

Born of the Irish
she died a born-again Italian

Growing up
her fragile mother rested
while she and her sisters
bathed baby Claire
in a love so powerful
it could wash away her disability

She was from the love
of a high school sweetheart
so fierce it left her
pregnant for nearly ten years straight

A joyful juggler of life
one in her belly
one on her hip
one holding her leg
the others bouncing about
in coordinated controlled chaos

She was from a kitchen picnic table
four burners boiling
tangled rosary in her apron pocket
twisted around wooden clothespins

Honored guest
at screen porch productions
captain of the snow shoveling brigade
she was the only face we dreamed of pleasing

She was from hands free discipline
bendy rules
and Church glances
that could smite you on the spot

A master of resting her eyes
she joyfully awaited
the next knock at the door
partial to the short ones with wobbly legs

and pained

A devout Catholic
accepting of the other
holy but not a roller
she took her Church leaders
with a big fat grain of salt

She was from Job-like tragedies
that left her breathless
but never hopeless

Willing to let the sharp side
of love pierce her through
she held on for dear life
one hand over the wound
one hand reaching out to comfort

Her faith was served
straight up
to everyone
shaken maybe
but not stirred by winds of doubt

She poured radical loving kindness
all over us until
we were permanently stained
with her goodness

She was from all of us
and we
from all of her.

My George Ella Lyon’s poem celebrating where my mum was from.

If you’d like to read more of my work, feel free to stop by:



Ellen Catherine
Imogene’s Notebook

Lifelong writer of essays, memoir pieces, and poetry who is working to release the ball of angst, worry, and guilt associated with said writing.