October Weather

Prose Poem

Anna Miller
Imogene’s Notebook
1 min readNov 25, 2023


Orange leaves in water
posted by @msjoni1956 on Tumblr

It is now time to put emotions in a box, save them for later. Stoicism has never been my forte but I recognize the need for it. I’ve watched the men in my life practising it without any regret so why should I beat myself up for covering my heart when no one’s around to blanket it from the bad October weather? No, for the coming weeks, emotions will be but a resource for experiencing and creating art. The box will open exceptionally, not by default.

Autumn is for new beginnings. Let the spiders creep in, wonder at the world around you. Focus on the outside while you make some space for the inside world to heal. Keep your precious heart for those who deserve to see it.

There’s no need to be in touch with your emotions when you haven’t got any left.

Quiet now, put your longing for love and affection aside. There’s a great world outside romanticism; you don’t need love to enjoy life.

“You are a little soul carrying about a corpse, as Epictetus used to say.”

— Marcus Aurelius

