Sunsets to Take Home

A poem

Imogene’s Notebook


A dock with the silhouette of a city with skyscrapers in the background during a sunset
Photo of a sunset by author

A fallen empire crumbles again,
its fictitious landmarks clank
into shadowy hulls.
When the sky burns
in anger and chimeric regrets
the glass, the walls,
and the bedecked bricks
are just amorphous kills.

Do you hear the murmur?
Of dreams coming home,
of the light that is leaving
and the hues it is leaving behind.
Do you hear my eyes?
Flaming in universes,
becoming louder
and brighter, slowly
rising beneath the sinking clouds.

It’s the time
I renounce the burdens.
Bury them for the short haul.
If the sky were to sink tonight
and every night,
I will take home the sunset.
All the feeble and the blood-red blazes,
trapped in my flushed skin,
folded into golden brown irises.
Let the gloaming mould
the shapeless ruins
into acting shelters.

I will take home the sunset
to let it take me home.

© Madhuvandhi Ravi 2024



Imogene’s Notebook

Dreaming of a million lives and hoping to bump into every one of them with the help of some words.