Imogene’s Notebook
A poem
Eyes narrowed to fighting slits
I concede nothing from your turn
barely hearing your loaded words
I am stretching rows of barbed wire
sowing fields with dragon’s teeth
hard at war, too soon for peace
We know the topic does not matter
it’s all about proving points
then we’re off down twisting pathways
that lead us nowhere ever always
When midnight comes darkly trolling
and the angry rivers are running dry
the smile comes slowly to your face
like sun through glittering rainlight
The war is over
victors both
together again
against the world
Our truce finds us quickly flying
where ocean breezes touch our skin
far-flung lands of bold coffee, starry nights
dinner on white sands by candlelight
All our cares
left behind us
we will leave no clues
they will never find us
Thanks for reading…