Where I’m From

A poem

Imogene’s Notebook
2 min readJan 21, 2024


A dream like image, kind of blues and purples
Photo by Hulki Okan Tabak on Unsplash

I am from cotton mills and cold rain,
I am from the Pendle Witches,
Marvelous women deemed sorcerous and irrational,
I am magic in my feet, singing lullabies to the wind,
Imagination bigger than Jupiter,
Violin symphonies for a heart,
Ungrounded in spirit.

I am from manipulating energy into arabesques,
I am from expressing my whole self, toes to fingertips,
Creating art with limbs so light and carefree,
I am energized by the music that whirls inside me,
Over arched feet,
Dreaming of En Pointe,
I am my own muse.

I am from grandmothers in rocking chairs,
I am from Tales interwoven with cake and other remedies,
Picking Snow drops in winter and Bluebells in spring,
Grandparents who lived like joyful birds,
Two Loving doves in fine fettle,
A bond for life.
Despite sorrows.



Imogene’s Notebook

‘Variety is the spice of life’ Lover of quotes and quiet time! Please feel free to support my writing here