African tech space is alive and flourishing

Pauline Nyathira
Impact Africa Network
2 min readMar 22, 2019
African E-Commerce, tech and culture to the world.

It’s happening, it’s alive…the talent, the entrepreneurial prowess, the vast opportunities that have been promised time and time again would come out of Africa, it’s actually happening! It ain’t potential anymore because potential implies uncertainty. I’m here to tell you it’s legit and it will take the rest of the world by a storm. So much so that they’ll want to have it all, no surprise here.

With so many entrepreneurs finding simpler and more efficient ways to get their product to the market and get paid quicker and more conveniently, the techpreneur space is coming up really fast and they are hungry for growth, prosperity and success (whatever that looks like, they are going for it). Sure, it has it’s ups and downs like raising the proper funding required to reach the next height but this isn’t stopping anyone.

“No matter what your current condition, how or where you grew up, or what education or training you feel you lack, you can be successful in your chosen endeavor. It is spirit, fortitude, and hardiness that matter more than where you start.” -Jack Ma

I’m a finance major and I could go on about leveraged buy-outs, conversion rate optimization, value hypothesis and all manner of financial modeling jargon but that’s a story for another day. Today, I just wanna let the world know that the tech industry in Africa is alive and well, flourishing and glowing in it’s full glory. Now this is coming from someone who only recently joined this industry about two months ago, and I can already tell people with strong conviction that the tech space in Kenya and Africa at large is quite big and only getting bigger. It’s exciting that we can finally take charge of our narrative, that Africa isn’t a wasteland of hunger, civil wars, corruption or a valley of death. We can now tell our own stories unaltered by bias media, share our cultures with the world by way of e-commerce and technology, heck even pioneer the next big thing.

As a member of Impact Africa Network, I have a front row seat to this uprising as we create an enabling environment for startups to develop and become profitable and successful organizations. This is possible through guidance, lessons and encouragement from our director and master strategist Mark Karake. He is especially qualified for this endeavor with 15 years of experience working in Silicon Valley and learning the ins and outs of how startups are developed and brought to scale, all this just to say the ecosystem is in good hands.

Watch this space guys, and don’t blink…you might miss something.



Pauline Nyathira
Impact Africa Network

Financial Analyst at Impact Africa Network. Changing the African narrative one great company at a time. Forever the student - always learning, always growing.