Australia, An Evolution in Giving Back

A Case Study

Cheruto Kongin
Impact Africa Network
3 min readJul 1, 2020


Across the world, people from different countries, cultures, religions, and levels of wealth have one thing common, a willingness to give.

Over time, Australia has grown in reputation as one of the world’s top givers climbing to 4th in the CAF world giving index

According to the 10th Edition of the CAF World Giving Index, Australia has maintained consistency with its top and bottom scores only 5% apart.

From a new report, the Australia Giving Report 2019 by CAF, we found the following ways is how Australians have demonstrated their generosity.

Further, according to the same CAF report, 68% of Australians have given money in the past 12 months, giving directly to charities, religious organizations, or sponsoring someone.

Youth Generosity

Australia’s younger generation has emerged as most generous with 18–24 year olds more likely to volunteer.

This suggests that Australians have nurtured a culture of giving that is strongly being emulated by youth.

When asked why they give, majority of Australians (54%) attributed caring about the cause as the main reason, with helping the less fortunate coming in second at 41%, and wanting to make a difference third at 33%.

Impact: what Australian generosity has done for us

Impact Africa Network is a nonprofit startup studio in Nairobi on a mission to ensure young talented Africans have a chance at participating in the digital transformation of Africa as creators and owners.

Early this year, after canvassing the globe for support, we were the happy beneficiaries of an unprecedented financial gift from an Australian Philanthropic Organization at a time when we needed it most.

This had such a massive impact on us which got us curious to understand what underlies such unmatched generosity. We did some research and put together this case study.

We provide 12-month Innovation Fellowships to talented college graduates providing them the opportunity to work on well-vetted ideas with like-minded peers under the guidance of an experienced leadership team and mentor network.

Since launching in January of 2019 we have provided the opportunity to 25 fellows who are working on 10 projects.

As the youngest continent on the planet with a median age of 19.5, Africa’s biggest challenge and opportunity is activating her young talent and connecting it to the innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities of the 21st century. Traditional education systems are falling short of this need.

Make An Impact

If the work activating young talent in African is a cause that resonates with you and would like to make an impact you can join our micro-donations support program. It works just like Netflix!

For as little as $30 a month you can enable us continue doing this important work. We are seeking 1000 champions willing to support us at the $30 a month level until December 2021.

