Buckling for the Journey Ahead

Mutethya Mutweko
Impact Africa Network
3 min readJul 10, 2020

What most people define as entrepreneurship, is the glow of success after multiple failures. Entrepreneurship is innovating and setting up a new enterprise; to provide a solution to a specific problem, in exchange for value. The value may be monetary and/or mission fulfillment. Well, as easy as it seems to define it, the reality is different. To reach the point of financial stability in managing your business, you probably will sweat blood and shed a few tears: The start is not a smooth sail.

My journey as an entrepreneur began in high school. What prompted me was the need to be independent. I came up with the idea to sell school supplies and act as a middleman to those who wanted to sell their items. I would do extra shopping or cut on the usage of what I had, then make money out of the surplus.

“Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.”

~ Erol Ozan

Over the years I felt like a ‘true entrepreneur’ until I realized I needed to learn skills on how to build and sustain a business for a greater future and not just survival. In brutal honesty, I needed to humble myself, sit down, and learn.

This is where Impact Africa Network came in. It has broadened my view on entrepreneurship and taught me the importance of market research. I have had to learn and unlearn many beliefs and gained a new perspective which in the long run contributes not only to my work but life generally. I have been forced to move out of my cocoon and swim in uncertain and uncomfortable waters. A challenge that I didn’t initially like but have grown to appreciate.

These are the three key lessons I have learned and seen in action:

  1. Focus on providing the solution. If you help solve a problem the returns are inevitable. You should build your business with objectives that are meant to make an impact rather than just profit. Be customer-obsessed; they are the real bosses.
  2. Don’t fall in love with your ideas. Iterate them as you will know what the market really wants. Unless you train you cannot develop muscles as you desire. Put your ideas out there, with good planning of course.
  3. Collaborate with your team. You cannot do everything on your own, nor can you be best at everything. All successful ventures are dependant on great teamwork. There is no joy in winning solo. You need people to help you and celebrate with you.

The three-pointers have kept us afloat even during this COVID 19 pandemic. I always believe that everything bad has some good in it. The bright side of this Corona period is that it has taught us to be disciplined and antifragile. When the crisis is over, we are set for a very adventurous journey ahead. It will be the rebirth of the world and the ecosystems at large. We are in the pupa stage of metamorphosis and we will soon transition to beautiful butterflies. Only if we trust the process and do what we are supposed to as individuals and teams.

Impact Africa Network is set for this transition but we cannot change the African narrative alone. We need everyone to play the part and that is why we provide valuable information and resources on innovation and entrepreneurship on the Chini ya Maji podcast. We also give people the opportunity to give back and be involved in creating and supporting our innovation fellows through our micro-donations program.

Focus on self-development, give your best in all you do, keep on moving, and maximize those opportunities no matter how small they seem. Go and get it! You can get it!

