We can see the stars from here

Two Year Traction Report

Mark Karake
Impact Africa Network
5 min readJan 26, 2021


January 2021 marks our two year anniversary; and even we, have been surprised by what we have accomplished so far.

We launched IAN around my apartment dining table in Nairobi with 6 wide eyed interns who were the very first cohort of what has evolved to become our Innovation Fellowship program.

How it started

The idea is to create an environment that can absorb Africa’s most abundant resource, her young talent, and immerse them in a crucible that shifts their mindsets and while imparting world class execution skills by putting them on the front lines of developing ideas into early stage startups.

It doesn’t matter whether they see themselves as entrepreneurs or not, potential and passion is all we seek. Entrepreneurship is a mindset and an attitude, both of which can be taught.

The mission is simple; to ensure young talented Africans have a chance at participating in the digital transformation of Africa as creators and owners.

Looking back at the last two years, each has had a specific theme:

2019 was the year of hope & prayer — we were simply hoping and praying it would work.

2020 was the year of survival — like everyone else we needed to ensure we survived the pandemic.

How it’s going

Thanks to the support of some amazingly kind and compassionate people from around the world, not only did we survive 2020, but we have grown from an initial team of 15 to 40+ and in the process launched Jenga School, our first commercial startup, and all this in the middle of the pandemic.

Impact Africa team retreat December 2020
Impact Africa team retreat, December 2020

To me, this was proof positive of the indomitable nature of the human spirit. Our ability to see a distant light in the midst of dark uncertain times is the real story of 2020.


In 2021 we fully expect to thrive and have themed the year #ThriveIn21.

We are currently onboarding our 5th cohort of fellows and expanding our leadership team in critical areas like Engineering and Learning & Development.

The real story here is the quality of talent we are now attracting at all levels. Proven, A+ professionals not short of opportunities are choosing to come to Impact Africa because they want to be part of changing the African narrative and can see we are on our way to doing just that. In fact, in some ways we already are (see Power To Our Women).

2021 Targets

In 2021 we expect to launch 4 startups and create 90 full time quality tech jobs. 80% of this number will emerge from our Innovation Fellowship program with the most senior having less than 3 years professional experience. But you could never tell when you meet them. We have invested heavily in their development and are seeing the fruits of that labor.

We are definitely on a path towards our big hairy audacious vision; which is to develop 10 scale ups, that provide 10K jobs, with a combined value of $10B. We call it the 10 10 10 plan and have 9 years left to make it happen.

Global Support

But none of this would be possible without the support of the kind and compassionate people from around the world who have provided the financial backing, given their time to mentor, hosted us on their platforms and made introductions (see Founders Challenge).

It is YOU who have enabled us to achieve so much so quickly.

Our support network spans the globe from California to Australia, Europe and back to mother Africa. We have been the beneficiaries of amazing individuals who make you proud to be part of the human family and hopeful for the future of our species (see Microdonations).

Impact Africa Network is a non profit charitable entity (US 501c3) because this is the only type of capital that works for the heavy lifting, patient, capacity building work we need to do.


Our intent at IAN is not just to launch and grow companies. We are animated by a bigger and infinitely more compelling Why.

Our ultimate driving purpose is to use venture scale entrepreneurship and innovation as a platform for effecting structural and cultural change in our community and across the continent.

We see a future where the Innovation Leaders we are developing through our fellowship and the careers they will build in the companies we are creating to be well positioned to influence our civics and politics post 2030.

There is no doubt we are living in the Techprenuer age. Tech entrepreneurs are the emperors of our day and we at IAN intend to create some of our own who will lead the change in Africa.

The most encouraging take-away from our first two years and what gives me great confidence in our ability to achieve this audacious vision are two-fold; i) witnessing how fast young people step into leadership roles when provided the opportunity, and ii) the unbounded generosity of the human spirit.

Get Involved

If you, like me, are energized by the animated contest of freedom and find the pursuit of human potential to be exceedingly thrilling, I welcome you to join us on this inspired journey of changing the Africa narrative. An idea whose time has come.

Support The Cause


For as little as $30 a month you can join an amazing group of kind and compassionate givers who give a small recurring monthly contribution many of who are also part of our mentor network. We hope to grow this to hundreds of supporters in 2021.

100 Founders Challenge

For larger amounts you can be part of our 100 Founders Challenge composed of successful entrepreneurs and business leaders many of who also share their wisdom with our fellows at our fireside chats.

Corporate Giving

Corporations can get involved through internal social impact programs which provide a great way to demonstrate an organizations commitment to global impact.

Wishing you more life and success in 2021 #ThriveIn21

Onwards and upwards!

