Natural Blockchain Language, Now people can make blockchain themselves!

Date news fact: April 5th 2018 Source: Blockchain Kennis stichting

NBL is “Google translate ” for the blockchain. NBL is showed life April 5th 2018

The Netherlands, 2018APRIL05 — What is NBL? NBL is a Natural Blockchain specification and programming language, with a compiler. The NBL compiler converts an EU language into programming code. For example: English to Solidity, the language of the popular Ethereum blockchain. OLE stands for Objects, Language & English. OBN is the Dutch variant.

Why NBL ?

To achieve quick results with blockchain technology, the right tools are required. That is NBL. Without falling behind. Blockchain is quickly becoming a trillion market (2020) says Gartner.

NBL also solves the shortage of programmers. There are 14 vacancies for each blockchain programmer. What internet meant for the media is Blockchain for all social, economic and technical thinking. All thinking comes under one roof. Everyone must provide a knowledge contribution. Every generation must reinvent its world itself. Many job opportunities, but being fast in this world counts. NBL is the Dutch blockchain tool needed.

Professional experts can write legal, economic and social procedures with NBL on a blockchain. NBL is also very suitable for education.

How does NBL work?

NBL consists of digital grammar and semantics. It does not work like Google translate. Google translate does not work for programming languages, otherwise they did. The input language is easy to adjust because the instruction set is limited. Only the facts are described by the expert.

Is there something like NBL around ?

NO: There is a comperison list on Github.

Most competitors look like a programming language. That’s not a natural language. NBL only writes down the facts, so ALL can read & understand NBL in an natural easy manner.

Many are only an architecture for ICO: “the tower of Babel” sold again. Like scam ICO

Many just got the wrong paradigm: NBL is not AI, like Google translate or IBM Watson. Look: If it was that easy Google would have done something like NBL ?!

No word on “digital evolution” and it’s just as important as the rest….. You generate a lot of versions of code. But HOW to handle all these updates and “digital contract evolution”. Once on a blockchain nothing can be deleted!

