Blockchain solves discrimination: The system lens theory.

50% of the voters are women, but just 3% of our leaders are women. Where does it go wrong?


The new system lens theory explains this system error. Technology helps us out in the right moment, shatters the glass ceiling.

I see two different kinds of discrimination. First the discrimination caused by individuals we all know so well. Second type of discrimination is caused by how our institutes and governments are designed. This system failure more significant and it can be repaired.

The first type is well known as personal discrimination is hard to heal. There are law against individuals that discriminate that hardly helped. The bias for “a big man” as leader still exists. But there is another reason why so just a few women make it to the top.

The point is that the low 3% of female participation is not simply explained by race, color or size alone.

Sure this personal discrimination exists, but it doesn’t tell the whole story.

I found a gap explaining why the lack of women in ruling positions is that large. 50 % of the electorate is female. As low (3%) is the female participation in the top. Not all women shut themselves out. There must be another reason to explain this. Science does not explain.

Discrimination that’s build in system is the real cause of mass discrimination.

Discrimination is a system failure, caused by the indirect layered way of decision making. This error came into existence when we design our parliamentary system and many other large layered organizations came into existence. Please, remember that they were all evolutionary experiments and they have failures build in. 2017 was as chaotic as 2017. Before the Industrial revolution there was religious women discrimination, many places got rid of that. It makes system caused discrimination more significant now. I do not discuss religious discrimination, It’s another form of (religious) system discrimination.

One individual cannot explain the bias, but when decisions are placed in a sequential row, the bias can be explained. Lesson is that we should not stack up these decisions. To solve this stacked mistake, we should choose direct or blind.

The low 3% women in the top CAN be explained by the the “social lens” theory.

This how the “system lens” works: The small individual biases are stacked on top of each other. The effect accumulates more than linear. Every step of the career stepladder women are chosen with this small bias. Women carries the burden of the bias of the previous decision along, on top. The solution would be a flat system, were candidates are directly chosen. Then the system lens effect would be skipped. That solves system discrimination. Then only personal discrimination is left. Later I explain that blockchain technology also can root out the personal discrimination using it’s unique (for mankind) property of digital traceability.

The solution against discrimination is DIRECT chosen top management.

Empirical proof: Dutch academic system points out that in education and research, women outnumber men as graduates (59%), yet their presence decreases consistently as they progress up the ladder, from 43% of PhDs down to only 15% of the full professors. Please Google for the graphs and many studies we know. We did not act, we did know how. Now we do. Please like or forward this article, let more people judge and act.

Here is an example to show how it could work. Imagine we would choose 10 top leaders out of a free pool of 100 leaders. Then it becomes obvious there will be women among these leaders. Even one one women is more than 3%. Agree? Well, science fails to explain the low 3% of female participation and keeps pointing at the individuals.

This system lens bias is present elsewhere in our society too. In all our layered legal corporate, political & legal systems we see the same bias. Women should be aware that all layered, mostly older, institutes are discriminatory by design. The root cause of many of our society problems lies in the system itself. The old party system itself over time. populism and discrimination build in. Citizen are often blamed, but the system itself is the root-cause.

Lawmakers should execute their own anti discrimination laws and shut down all layered system. Article 1 of the Dutch constitution will become active if we recognize this social lens theory. What stops women to start a lawsuit based upon system lens theory? Science failed them. Please send to a your lawyer. Build in “career” steps for women just discriminate. Women should be able go straight to the top, without hurdles, Enough!

We owe it to all women to test this system, certainly after 100 years of system failure. This failure was build in our 100 years old indirect democratic parliamentary system designed by religious anti-female biased political parties. Demonstrations, laws & quota do not help against this build in system failure. The glass ceiling effect is made by the same old parties still ruling us now. We need a system change to give women fair rights. This can by done by direct voting. Blockchain can help women also in two other ways.

Women suffer the same problem as described in the book “Der Proceß” by Franz Kafka. The glass-ceiling women battle is alike Kafka his untangle labyrinth. His book was written 100 years ago, around 11 November 1918, the day WW1 ended, Max Weber designed bureaucracy and Karl Marx an new economic order. I solved Kafka his problem using block-chain technology. Blockchain technology.

The blockchain benefits are: full traceable, or immutable (write only), safe and secure (encrypted, decentralized copied ). The blockchain is tractable & transparent because all transactions are logged and stored securely offering immutable history and an audit trail. Security & trust are based upon the integrity of transactions, guaranteed via cryptography and cross-checks. Eliminating virtual all human error or bias (tamper-proof). More trust provided via consensus between all members after comparing the cross-checks of the totals. Blockchain essentially replaces the need for trust.

The 100 % traceable data solve the 100-year-old traceability problem described in the book “Der Proceß” by Franz Kafka. The impact of the blockchain ledger on Truth-finding is astonishing.

Full traceability is new to humanity: Kafka solved!

Traceability is very essential to fact-finding or truth itself. Just by describing the facts, the truth or the verdict boils out by itself. If an irregularity is detected somewhere, the blockchain can lead you all the way back to the point of origin.

Full traceable means that all theft, all corruption is traceable and catch-able. Discrimination too. There is just nowhere to hide for those who do wrong or cheat. When every paper-track is traceable. Even discriminating bureaucrats have no chance. They will be traced. It can be just prohibited to vote always only on men, for example. This helps the women to get a fair position.

Please feel free to confront those involved and confront them with the personal traceability. The moment we all make this error visible on a personal level discrimination will be visible. Social media can collectively hold people liable.

The blockchain is a jewel for fact-finding and legal institutes. We owe our world to put the blockchain technology to the test.

The new technology solves the 100-year-old problem of Kafka. Making discrimination Article 1 of the constitution didn’t help. Article 21(non-discrimination) of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights did not help either. It’s fake-law. The legals system itself has this flaw too. I repeat my call for action, not wait another 100 years. I suggest to set a deadline for rooting out discrimination, making a plans.

Blockchain is perfect for direct voting as suggested above, saving women rights. Blockchain disrupts all old man biased institutes easy. The blockchain is a “once in a generation technology” that lets us re-calibrate or remove our old biased system. Every generation has to reinvent itself, using the latest technology.

Here I wrote a 2 line, one minute, explanation of what the blockchain is: “The Milkman as an analogy for the Blockchain”. There you find more related articles also.

Next read is about the TOOLBOX I do offer your to root out this error. This toolbox is needed on top of the blockchain is needed to maintain and enforce non-discrimination proof systems. We just make the nasty error traceable and correct them a priori (upfront). Even if you have nothing with discrimination, you can help release the pool of wealth & talent locked up in old unjust organizations.

You can do your part and help and do good by spreading this message.

copyright arnoud berghuis hashtag #womenInLegalTech #emancipation #discrimination #internationalwomansday #womansday #unforgettablewoman #journéedelafemme

