The new “upfront” & “ex-post” orientation has more organisational impact than the well discussed “decentralisation”.

Blockchain defines business processes “upfront” or in advance. It is a total different way we used to work nowadays. Most legal and financial control happens afterwards nowadays. A Judge rules or an accountant takes a probe afterwards. Using blockchain means that you build a roller coaster “upfront” A system that cannot derail. Extremely fast and secure.

No Judges needed on a marble ball path.

From a technical perspective (de-)centralization is certainly important, but it happens under the hood. Real big news for companies start implementing blockchain is this fundamental other way of working. NBL provides you with the tools to build lightning fast “a priori” mean business processes. Loads of work for lawyers & accountants, a legal roller-coaster ahead! NBL “digital contract evolution”, makes this century corporate redesign party complete.

