Creative Machines for Social Change ft. Artist Joe O’Connell

Olivia R
Impact Everywhere Podcast
3 min readApr 2, 2020

Ep1 :

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Creative Machines is a massive design and fabrication firm located in Tucson, Arizona. It was founded by Joe O’Connell to build everything from public art installations to products for disaster relief.

When he first started out building in his garage in 1995, he coined the mission statement, “We create objects and environments that encourage creativity, support social interaction, and inspire self-confidence.” Over the years, Joe has grown Creative Machines to do just that — and then some.

While Joe may not be an activist in the usual sense, everything he creates is carefully designed to bring people together and strengthen social bonds.

Here are some of the takeaways and examples from the show:

1. Art has the power to transform the way people interact with one another by designing the environment in a specific way.

These interactive sculptures, called “Fish Bellies” were initially designed for college students, which invited people to depart from the digital world and sit down together in a unique space.
In a city that recently removed its Civil War monuments, Creative Machines is installing a colorful human-powered pavilion that carves a new monument over the course of a year to honor young, diverse heroes.

2. Joe considers his projects most successful when they transform the way they perceive themselves in relation to an Environment.

Standing in front of the installation “Wings Over Water” with arms outstretched as if lifted by its wings, the participant can see themselves — and be seen by others — in a new light.
In Alexandria, Virginia, Creative Machines is building an outdoor structure that allows the participant to see through the eyes of four perspectives on slavery in every cardinal direction they turn.

3. The impact of art can be measured when working inside a measurable environment.

Teaming up with Potters for Peace, Creative Machines found a solution to their problem of too-heavy-equipment: A 20-ton hydraulic press that can be disassembled and packed in carry-on luggage, allowing their water filter operations to expand to wider stretches of the globe.

It is amazing how far Joe O’Connell has come with Creative Machines, and his work is a testament to the impact that a clear vision and collaboration can have on art and communities around the world. The pieces mentioned above aren’t even a fraction of the work they have done. To hear more about his story, the pieces mentioned above, or how to approach your efforts to give back, tune in to the podcast. To check out more of Creative Machines’ work, visit their website here and follow their Instagram and Facebook.

Be sure to subscribe to Impact Everywhere for more stories like this one. Next up: Joshua Belhumeur of the creative group BRINK, offering his thoughts on corporate social activism, binary thinking, and bringing your causes to companies.

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