The End

Alyssa Bishop
Impact from the Outside
2 min readApr 8, 2022

This was not only the final week of this class but the final week of school, forever. What a weird feeling. I know it is something everyone goes through, but I really feel an impending identity crisis coming on. No longer a student! What will I do! I am looking forward to the next phase of life though. And I am very grateful to have had this class in my final semester of the program. I learned a lot that I hadn’t in other courses, and it was a great experience.

First, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, but the field trips were so fun. Not only were they informational, as they got us out into the community and provided us with on the ground policy experience, but it was also just a wonderful feeling — like life was coming back to the city. Doing Zoom school can make you feel quite removed from everything — your cohort, your program, your city — and you miss out on the real-world application of what you are learning. So I really am glad I got to have that experience.

Secondly, the main assignment for the course taught me a lot. It was very different from other assignments throughout the whole program. Many of our assignments have asked us to think big, so trying to think very small with this assignment was quite difficult at first. However, I’ve grown to appreciate this type of thinking, because it makes me feel like this is an issue, or that there are other similar issues, that people like me could have a real effect on.

I really enjoyed being in such a small class and getting that one-on-one experience. I hope Munk continues to offer this course because getting out into the community and seeing how you can affect positive change really is what policy is all about.

Thanks for everything.

See ya!

