Big Dreams in Big D: Accelerating Diverse Startup Founders

Impact Ventures Accelerator Hopefuls gathered for community social and accelerator informational at Polsinelli in Downtown Dallas.

Impact Ventures
Impact Ventures
3 min readNov 25, 2019


Impact Ventures, a non-profit organization and startup accelerator held it’s final Accelerator interest gathering at Polsinelli Downtown Harwood District with a house packed of diverse Founders from across the metro-plex and even some out-of-state travelers eager to learn more about the first of its kind program in Dallas-Ft Worth. The event was sponsored by Polsinelli, TriNet, and BKD CPAs and Advisors.

Representatives from Polsinelli and City of Dallas express anticipation for launch of program as a priority to provide more access and opportunity for Women and Minority groups across industry verticals, with an emphasis on technology. A recent Culture Map Dallas article toted findings of Dallas - Fort worth be ranked #12 nationally for the most minority startups, mainly in accommodation and food services. Representatives expressed how growing trends of major tech relocations and increase investment activity make Dallas Ft-Worth a projected leader in years to come.

Courtney Pogue, Director of Economic Development City of Dallas expressing importance of creating opportunities for Women and Minority entrepreneurs in Technology

Dallas, Texas — A city with a history of world changers and luminaries acting on pure vision and the spirit of entrepreneurship has entered a new era of innovation and technology. “Tech is the new oil and we are at a revolutionary time in our [country’s] history where we have the opportunity to close a 228 year wealth gap and technology and innovation is our greatest equalizer” — Benjamin J. Vann, Founder and CEO of Impact Ventures.

Founder and CEO Benjamin J. Vann giving overview of Impact Ventures Accelerator Program

Impact Venture’s believes a program of this kind has the opportunity to shift paradigms and change the narrative of what entrepreneurship and innovation looks like, who participates, and benefits from it. The impact of diversity focused Accelerators are not just limited to the startups that participate in them. With the right support, they have the opportunity to transform ecosystems from the ground up; from creating a new class of angel investors who’ve traditionally not been exposed to startup investing, bringing diverse mentors to the table to give back in unique ways never thought possible, to attracting corporations and investment firms looking to find new innovations, new market opportunities, and suppliers traditionally overlooked. This all has a major impact on a cities ability to attract new business, attract top talent, close economic disparities, and position itself as a leader within a global economy.

Impact Venture’s theory of change hopes to ultimately achieve a larger vision of creating a more equitable and inclusive economy that reflects the diversity within our world. By addressing the wealth gap through entrepreneurship it hopes to give underrepresented communities the ability to own their futures and create sustainable opportunities for generations to come. Founders applying for the accelerator program have been granted an extension with applications due Friday, November 29th.

To learn more about Impact Ventures upcoming program visit

