31 Day Business Challenge: Day 12

Pick out your color palette

Picking your color palette is a must when trying to define your brand. Pinterest is a great tool to use to figure out your brand colors and find inspiration.

  1. Go to Pinterest and search for your primary color palette. For instance, I did a search for “Purple color palette”. Pin the color palettes that you love.

This is was one of the results that I found:

2. Once you find the color scheme that you like its important to find out the color codes for each color. ColorZilla is a great browser plugin that you can use to find out the color codes. I installed the ColorZilla plugin for my Chrome browser.

This is what the plugin looks like after it is installed:

3. Click on the ColorZilla icon and select Pick Color From Page

4. Select a color with the dropper and allow the color to save in the clipboard.

5. Click on Color Picker and copy the color code

6. Save these color codes so that you can reference them in the Brand Strategy that we create in a few days.

ProTip: I suggest selecting around 6 colors for your color palette and stacking them lightest to darkest or darkest to lightest.

