Boomers Collaborative Blog / 11–14–18


Another busy week, Carol and I talk daily as we move forward.

Researched Kissing Tree in San Marcos, built by a for-profit developer, not a co-op. Is of more interest to couples than singles.

Continue to redefine our Pitch after Practice Session last Thursday. Special thanks to Reagan and Ashley for their input and encouragement.

Participated at Annual Meeting of Austin Cooperative Business Association (ACBA) at Wheatsville Co-op south on Saturday afternoon.

Participated with class at Mueller on Monday. Great story telling from developer (Catellus) and Mueller Foundation. Really enjoyed how Mueller began as a community vision and glad to see that some original neighborhood members are still participating in the process.

Met again with bcaustin on Monday to verify their understanding of our project as they assist with our pro forma is still pending.

Met with other housing advocates on Monday afternoon (thanks to the conference room at Impact Hub North) added Brandon Knicely to this group and exchanged ideas and possibilities. Emailed preliminary survey for distribution to housing advocates Tuesday evening with a deadline of noon this coming Friday. Looking to send out survey to all involved by the end of next weekend.

Will be meeting with Brandi tomorrow after class.

Meeting with Greg Anderson of Habitat for Humanity after class at their office location.

Rescheduled a skype meeting with Eric Donnelly as he was unable to return to Austin in person. (Eric Donnelly canceled our scheduled skype late on Tuesday afternoon, will have to contact again to reschedule.)

