Designing Common Spaces for Musicians AND Artists?

Artists, musicians and others gather for Austin’s 1st “Creative(s) Dinner”

Chestnut Neighborhood Revitalization (CNRC) hosted its first “Creative(s) Dinner” to break bread and talk about housing for Austin’s important Creative Employees. Although not the intent of initiating the dinner, the participants strongly suggested that we carry the torch of regular dinner discussions.

If the discussion and amazing participants are any indicator of future dinners, CNRC will gladly continue hosting Austin’s important economic sector — CREATIVES who write, play music, act, support actors and productions and many more.

CNRC has one last property as part of The Chicon project — a mixed-use and mixed-income community along Chicon between 13th and 14th Streets. To date, CNRC has built two buildings comprised of 28 owner-occupied residential units and 8 owner-occupied commercial units. Of the residential units 20 are affordable to families making less than 80% of the median family income level (<$45k per year for a single person).

This cross-section of the 3rd building requires an expensive “podium” construction design.

The third Chicon building will :

  • have less parking
  • be less expensive to build
  • double the number of residential units
  • have 2–3 electric vehicles for only the owners usage
  • have smaller units, thereby substantially lowering the sales price

Please come to our final showcase event, and support this project by following our organization.

