Blue Zero Week 3 Update: Affordability Accelerator @Impact Hub Austin


The 4 Keys
Affordable Homes Based on Circular Economy Principles for the City of Austin
1. Affordable Housing
3. Improving The Environment
2. New Business Opportunities
4. Job Creation

We want to help shape a better world by delivering integrated housing solutions that help solve today’s challenges, resulting in buildings which are simple, ADA-compliant, safe, affordable, efficient, purposeful and beautiful. And that can be part of a circular economy.

The circular economy is critical in that it makes everybody rethink the value chain and the supply chain so that we can keep resources at the highest possible value and make the best of their use throughout the life cycle. Our homes are made of 98% recycled materials.

We do not use wood. We do not use concrete. We use leading green materials invented from around the world. And we align with the top global research universities and organizations that focus on saving the planet while helping more people live in a safe, healthy and equitybuilding home.
Our prototype home for the Austin Affordable Housing Accelerator is a solid, attractive structure that is inexpensive to build. It also can be moved to another location with a minimal of effort. The materials used in the home are frommaterials that are non-toxic that can be recycled back into the manufacturing stream in a non-toxic way.

How do we transform this home designed for this accelerator into a sustainable reality? And not just being able to build a home. But to find people in need, that need an opportunity to learn new skills, earning a respectable living, while saving the environment and helping Austin’s business foundation grow even stronger.
This shift to circular economic activity could help address the global job gap of 600 million — Dominic Waughray, Senior Director, World Economic Forum

Next week’s blog: Yes In My Backyard: An Integrated Approach To Homelessness

