Working the System @ATX

How to get parking reductions without going through the Board of Adjustments

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Getting permit approval in the City of Austin can take up to a year for commercial mixed-use developments. The Chicon already has a site plan permit for our last building but as I have mentioned in earlier blogs, we want to do a redesign that entails smaller units so we can build more affordable units AND we want to have more parking reductions and on-site electric vehicle fleet.

There is a special provision in the City of Austin Land Development Code that allows parking reductions up to 80% thru administrative granting (ie., Director of Transportation and Planning) versus going through the Board of Adjustment.

The Board of Adjustment process can be onerous. You must prove a hardship and currently not sufficient affordable housing, or the price of parking does not qualify. So, the Administrative process is an easier and more fair process to go through.

Wish us luck in this process!

