Returnship solutions for each phase of your journey

Prowess Project — Get Returnship resources and opportunities

Returnship dilemma

Prowess Project
Austin Impact Accelerator
3 min readAug 4, 2019


Being a woman right now is hard. Well, being a mom is harder. And, being a working mom is damn near impossible. But moms are tough and their developed emotional intelligence makes them great leaders.

With that in mind…

We created Prowess Project to meet women where they are on their returnship journey

We each have our own journey when it comes to career, family, travel, “me time”, etc. The journey isn’t pretty, and it’s not linear. Prowess Project’s overarching goal is to help women with community, resources. education throughout the good and bad, but we’re starting with the motherhood penalty.

According to Harvard Business Review, if a mom is out of the workforce for just three years to raise her family, she loses 37% of her total compensation power for the rest of her life. Ridiculous, right? We thought so too.

But how do you fix it? Two ways.

First — eliminate the stereotype that moms are unfocused, distracted and unqualified. Since that won’t happen overnight, there’s the second. Get women to start contracting earlier. But imagine how overwhelming that may be for some women. You’ve been nearly 100% focused on your family for years and then you’re expected to thrive back in the corporate world! For some that process will take a lot of mental and emotional work — and THAT’s what we mean by “meeting women where they are” in their returnship.

Prowess Project broke this into phases with a solution for each.

  1. Tribe — Prowess Project’s closed community of women sharing empowerment messages. seeking advice, providing resources and much more.
  2. Transition — On-demand Returnship Course designed to help moms cultivate the mindset to return to a professional career.
  3. Training — Our 16+ hour certification covering confidence, emotional intelligence, team dynamics, project management, professional vernacular and the latest technology to get women up-to-speed to return to work. Completion of the certification and passing of our test grants them access to our talent pool.
  4. Traction — Prowess Project matches women up with companies to work on projects on a flexible, remote basis. Our proprietary algorithm pairs company and contractor not only based on skill, need & availability, but personality, communication and learning indicators (plus some secret sauce, of course) to ensure the best fit possible.

In the end, Prowess Project is a destination to help women achieve equity in the workforce no matter what their professional/work life balance looks like. And we need your help.


Know of a woman (mom or not) who may want to transition from a career break? Spread the word.

Know a company with fractional, EXPERT (hello, these women have 10+ years of experience, multiple degrees, etc) talent? Send them our way.

Know a female leader who may be interested in being an advisor, mentor, offer connections? Holla at ya girl.

Until next time,


Photo by Derek Thomson on Unsplash

Originally published at on August 4, 2019.



Prowess Project
Austin Impact Accelerator

We help companies by harnessing the skills of women. We certify educated, experienced women, many who are moms wanting to reenter the workforce. CEO: A Connell