

For the last few months, my Austin Impact Hub Social Innovation Accelerator mentors and cohorts have been working on clarifying our vision for our ventures, and perfecting our pitch and our pitch decks. Every time that I get up to pitch Diva-Licious Brands, our diabetes-friendly, vegetarian food products company venture, I learn something new.

Our mentors and my fellow cohorts provide me with encouragement mixed with helpful feedback, point out things that I should have said or should have left out, and analyze each slide of my pitch deck with an eye towards improving every part of my presentation.

My mentors recently took my pitch deck apart, slide by slide, and used the graphics and information that I’d compiled to help me create a presentation that better represents my vision for Diva-Licious Brands in a clear, concise way.

Another revelation in learning how to pitch is the science of the whole process. We were given the gift of a mini “Pitch Academy” session entitled “Elevator Pitching 101 Class” with Dr. Melissa Murphy, a Professor at the University of Texas in Austin, McCombs School of Business.

Her entire approach to pitching your dream to an audience of prospective investors is a revelation in the art and craft of public speaking. If you’re ever given the opportunity to attend her class or one of her presentations, don’t pass it up! It can mean the difference between failing miserably or finding funding for your venture.

Pitching, public speaking, and presenting something you’re passionate about in a way that will sway an audience is an art form. Mastering the art of the pitch is a amazing skill that will help you in every part of your life.

Recently, I gave my pitch to a venture investment firm that contacted me about Diva-Licious Brands. I’ll know soon whether or not they decide to move forward with an investment.

No matter what happens, I feel confident that I was able to present a deck and to tell a compelling story about our Company in a way that would make Dr. Murphy, my Austin Impact Hub mentors, and my cohorts proud of all of the time that they’ve spent helping me to perfect my pitch.




Angela Medearis, THE KITCHEN DIVA!
Austin Impact Accelerator

Angela Shelf Medearis is an author and President of Diva Productions, a multimedia company and Diva-Licious Brands, producer of diabetic-friendly food products.