Han Solo, the Fractional Business Manager

What is a fractional business manager?

Picture this …

Prowess Project
2 min readJun 26, 2019


You have too many action items in too many different buckets. You can’t hire a marketing consultant, bookkeeper, HR expert, operations consultant, social media guru and a day-to-day worker bee. How do you get it all done? There is only one of you, not enough budget for an army and the work is piling up.

You need a generalist that is a problem solver with an analytical brain and a creative touch. Or, as some of our clients have requested, “A cross between a COO and an executive assistant.”

Going back to our Star Wars reference, you need a Han Solo on your team. He was the pilot, the mentor, the tactical fighter, and a scoundrel. (Okay, so you don’t need a scoundrel.) But you do need the person that can take the wheel, help you see the big picture but execute in the day-to-day battles of business.

Prowess Project fractional business managers can help you with:

  • Form internal procedures and processes for maximum efficiency
  • Create your lead to closed business sales flow
  • Financials — forecasting, planning, budgeting
  • Evaluate, implement and optimize technology tools
  • Developing your 1,3,5 year outlook org chart
  • Brand strategy — message development, consistency throughout the user experience, content calendar and creation

An added plus is that we believe Prowess fractional business managers also come with that same wit and charm that made Han solo your favorite character. It will take more than being frozen in carbonite to slow down the progress of our FBMs.

Got questions? Schedule a call to discuss what Prowess Project can do for you.

May the force be with you,

PS — Need specialized services — like graphic design, specialized accounting, and paralegal work? We got ya covered.



Prowess Project

We help companies by harnessing the skills of women. We certify educated, experienced women, many who are moms wanting to reenter the workforce. CEO: A Connell