3 Day Startup Accepted Into Impact Hub’s Workforce Development Accelerator!

In a rapidly changing world, entrepreneurial thinking is key to owning the future one wants to create. This is true from career professionals to entrepreneurs to high school students and everywhere in between!

At 3 Day Startup, we help individuals around the world chart entrepreneurial career paths, but too often our company creation metrics overshadow our work helping alums adapt and thrive in the job market. It’s time to change that narrative!

Over the next ten weeks, 3DS will participate in Impact Hub Austin’s Workforce Development Accelerator, one of the only issue-specific accelerators in the world. The program is positioned to tackle workforce challenges in the community by facilitating sustainable, intersectional solutions. Alongside eight other cohort members, 3DS hopes to democratize entrepreneurial thinking and develop a version of our curriculum that is accessible to a wider audience, including adults transitioning to new careers and workers in low-skill jobs.

We’re off to a great start because of the fantastic work of Ashley Philips, Reagan Pugh, and Kelsey Willard. Already we are

  • Learning the language of workforce development;
  • Understanding the key stakeholders across Austin industries;
  • Connecting with esteemed mentors and community supporters; and
  • Engaging potential partners such as the Austin Community College.
Opening Session at the Global Entrepreneurship Congress, a conference focused on building one global entrepreneurship ecosystem that is sponsored by the Kauffman Foundation.

Currently, 3 Day Startup is at the Global Entrepreneurship Congress in Istanbul, Turkey speaking with delegates around the world about the future of work, how to foster inclusive economic ecosystems, and building bridges of innovation. Soon, we’ll be in Austria with the State Department delivering a country-wide entrepreneurship education roadshow and engaging with Impact Hub HQ in Vienna about our experience in the accelerator. We’re moving fast, so be sure to follow our medium posts each week to keep up!

Entrepreneurially yours,

Bri and Alexis

P.S. Our goal for the week is to better define our target audience for workforce development programs! If you have expertise or knowledge about where we might fit in this space, please let us know in the comments below.



3 Day Startup
Impact Hub Austin | Workforce Development Accelerator

3 Day Startup teaches entrepreneurial skills to students in an extreme hands-on environment.