3 Day Startup Introduces — NextLevel!

Last weekend, 3DS launched its first workforce development pilot program called NextLevel. This program is a four-hour workshop that helps participants

  1. determine their assumptions around where they are and where they want to go in their careers through the 3DS career canvas;
  2. identify who they need to speak with and what they need to learn to get to the next level; and
  3. chart actionable next steps so they feel prepared and confident to achieve their goals after the workshop.

Based on the participants unprompted, positive testomonials, the program was already a success and is changing the career trajectories of the individuals we engaged.

All of this would not have been possible without the incredible support of

  • Reagan Pugh for encouraging us to “launch before we were ready”’
  • Chris Lofton for promoting this program to participants in his Austin Coding Academy programs
  • Olivia Hernandez for promoting this program to her staff at Hernandez Hospitality and providing a delicious, nourishing lunch
  • And, Impact Hub and our Workforce Development Accelerator cohort members for your unwavering support

Come learn more about the milestones we’ve achieved in the Impact Hub accelerator and our plans for future NextLevel workshops on Monday, June 25th at the Community Showcase. RSVP here, so you don’t miss out :)



3 Day Startup
Impact Hub Austin | Workforce Development Accelerator

3 Day Startup teaches entrepreneurial skills to students in an extreme hands-on environment.