A Snapshot of the Minds of the Fellowship Behind Workforce Development

Mind map, social network, or why a team is what changes the world?

I just introduced my kids to the Lord of the Rings so I can’t help but notice that there are 9 ventures tackling workforce development in Austin; the 9 rings of the Nazgul under the influence of the one ring. That one ring in this case is putting people to work, as the 9 here work with the best intentions to tackle the seemingly insurmountable challenges of employment, education, and economic development in today’s economy.

Granted, as we endeavor to solve one of humanity’s great struggles, the 9 kings transformed into ring-wraiths isn’t quite the right image, I’m just that much of a geek that I can’t help but see patterns. One pattern here is indeed that we’re being guided by one objective.

It’s that pattern matching that I experienced most today in the Impact Hub Austin Workforce Development Accelerator; a program unique in the country in which one of my cofounders, John Zozzaro, and I are developing one of MediaTech Ventures’ initiatives.

The pattern I saw today is that we’re on a quest and that there is a trilogy of stories we’re impacting: education, employment, and economic development.

Nine ventures tackling Austin’s workforce development challenges. Indeed, from there, saving the world.

And it was the photo enclosed above that caught my attention another pattern emerging. That, a shot of the connections made as we progress through the program, struck me that we’re not the 9 controlled wraiths driven on the same journey.

We’re the Fellowship of the Ring, each as unique as Elijah Wood and Gandalf.

Alright, enough lording over a poor analogy. Check out that board.

Note the form, chaos, web, and patterns that emerge as each founder in the cohort connects with mentors, advisors, and partners equally as passionate about workforce reform.

That’s MediaTech Ventures on the lower left of the board; our connections made and how we map them for display.

That’s how John and I think and work. Throwing things out there, connecting the dots with loose strings, and with just a hint of disorder. Obviously.

Among our fellowship, some map straight lines back to the organization. Some intricately laid out note cards. Some with few connections noted on the board as they’re focused on another task at hand. Some with strings interconnecting every connection made, and still others in the cohort with no strings attached.

A cohort as diverse as any exceptionally operating team — a glimpse into the minds and work styles as varied as any.

And it’s from that fellowship and the diversity of thought, experience, intention, mission, and skill, that we’re on our quest.

Take a moment and get to know the cast of characters in this story…

3 Day Startup’s mission is to accelerate careers of middle skilled workers through experiential entrepreneurship education. In building bridges between the community and encouraging entrepreneurial thinking, structural barriers can be overcome and local economies advanced.


Alcye’s mission is to create a world where people’s learning journeys are more connected, supported, and successful. Under the vision of Lav Chintapalli, adult learners don’t have to journey alone, and we can help the facilitators increase retention and success among their learners. Alcye is a solution to build online communities that inspires action, connection, and growth among people that share an identity or interest. Our unique combination of integrated communication, peer engagement, social learning and mentoring makes Alcye the platform a learning community wants and needs.


Austin Coding Academy is an education institute that provides diverse communities the most accessible coding education. They work to transform lives and prepare students for lifelong, fulfilling careers in the Technology field. Currently, their CEO Chris Lofton is working with the cohort to identify ways for them to grow their services.


Central Texas Allied Health Institute is a higher education organization, which focuses on offering applied associate and bachelors degree programs in allied health professions. This institute helps close the gap of employment for communities of color and provides more stable and sustainable workforce in the healthcare sector.


Hernandez Hospitality is a catering and event business that hires and trains their own workforce for every project with an emphasis on providing living wages paired with marketable professional skills and life skills development opportunities.


KeyUp’s mission is to enable young adults to get good jobs with growth potential without going through the time and expense of getting four-year degrees. KeyUp connects individuals with training programs and support services that empower them to reach middle-skill careers and beyond.


my precious…

My work in MediaTech Ventures’ Collective is dedicated to putting our Creative Class to work. Through online aggregation of career demands in the media industry as well as customized training to equip the creative class we are ensuring Austin has the creative and technical skills, mentors, and opportunities it needs to thrive in the new economy.


PelotonU ensures working adults can earn a college degree without sacrificing existing work and family commitments. With the required degree and new skills, our students can fill important local workforce needs and area employers can upskill their staff for internal management positions.



#WI is building an ecosystem that connects top talent from diverse populations and Austin’s most innovative companies. Our success supports Austin’s leading corporate culture for the 21st century, building employers of choice and harnessing the creative potential of our biggest asset, Austin’s people.




Paul O'Brien
Impact Hub Austin | Workforce Development Accelerator

CEO of MediaTech Ventures, CMO to #VC, #Startup Advisor. I get you funded. Father, marketer, author, #Austin. @seobrien & @AccelerateTexas. https://seobrien.com