Listening to the Void and Speaking the Truth of What You Hear

Tonight, the Workforce Development Cohort hosted a Sneak Peek Preview night for our final showcase on June 25. There were many influence makers from both the public and private sector on hand to receive pitches and discuss paths forward in getting these nine startups off the ground

As I talked with each person about the Central Texas Allied Health Institute, I began to understand something, my pitch tonight was not for myself or my partners in this startup. This pitch was to speak and advocate for those whose voices who have been past over, drowned out, or ignored completely. The ones who need information, opportunity, and access to an education like they need air. To make Central Texas Allied Health Institute a success, I must use my voice, to tell their stories. I’m not sure I got that concept before the accelerator. But being in this space, with these eight other ventures, these passionate advisers, at this time and in this great city of Austin, I have found my calling. I must be a staunch advocate and speaking loudly and carry a big stick for those who cannot speak for themselves.

I am a product of workforce education. I started my career as a Medical Assistant in August of 1999 and 19 years later I am a Licensed Surgical Assistant, an entrepreneur, a wife, mother, and all around blessed individual. My son will not want for much in his life because of all the hard work I have put into getting out of the working poor, putting myself through college and graduate school. I am the prime example of what can happen when we stop looking at poor people as a drain on our society and as the greatest source of untapped potential this country has to offer the world. If those of us who have been blessed with so much take the opportunity to be the voice for even one nameless, faceless, voiceless person and help them get meaning education and job skills training, we have not only blessed them, but we have blessed the future generations of their families.

So to those who have in the past spoke for me, and to Ashley, Reagan, Kelsey, our sponsors, mentors, and the entire ImpactHub family, I thank you, my son Carter Hockaday thanks you and most importantly, the future graduates and of Central Texas Allied Health Institute say thank you. You opened your ears to the void, heard them, and reach out to help them.

This is the only way we will ever Make America Great Again.

