The Problem

Last week we were asked to describe the problem our venture is solving.

Graduation at our San Antonio Campus, April 2018

According to a recent study, over 50% of Americans report being unhappy in their jobs. An average American will work 90,360 hours in a lifetime. Can you imagine spending that much time doing something you don’t enjoy?

According to TechRepublic, there are half as many African Americans and Latinos in tech as in the rest of the private sector. Why aren’t these segments of our population equally benefitting from the money and opportunity tech careers provide?

According to the Center for American Progress, 15.6% of Texans fell below the poverty line — $24,340 for a family of four — in 2016. 42.7% of those Texans are African American or Latino.

According to the NCWIT, about 26% of professional computing jobs in the US are held by women with African-American and Latina women holding only 4% of the professional computing jobs.

Earlier today, I was discussing with a colleague in the WFD accelerator how the term “Workforce Development” misses the point. Instead we prefer “Human Development”. We’re talking about human beings and their wellbeing — food, shelter, water, healthcare, and happiness.

Austin Coding Academy a great option for those who are looking for a more innovative and exciting career in technology. We’ve built a strong program and have the opportunity to help a lot of people. We have a lot more work to do and are committed to doing it right.

One of our San Antonio graduates presenting his final project

