Week 10: “Alcye is a Competence Network”

Our final week is coming to an end. I’m a bit teary eyed. :) It’s been a wonderful 11 weeks! So much learning, so many new relationships, so much connection — all of which I love to create and nurture! Incidentally, which is also what I am creating with Alcye — a learning community.

And Ethan agrees.

“It’s [Alcye] a community”

The highlight for this week was evaluating the Alcye platform design through customer journeys. A huge shout-out to Kelsey Willard from Impact Hub for helping me with this — thanks Kelsey! Goes to show how awesome everyone who work at Impact Hub Austin are!

We pulled random people who were walking by, had them test the site without telling them what it did and asked them to talk aloud as they browsed through the platform. Got great positive feedback (Yippppeee!!!!!!) with suggestions for a few tweaks, changes, and add-requests.

“This is like a competence network, a challenger network which is super valuable to me.”

Getting set up at Impact Hub

Here are some highlights —


“It’s a community. A way to connect with other people who have some kind of skill, what they’ve done and learning.”

“I like forums cause they are a way to talk to people. I like to know whats going on. The Groups are like Slack channels. A bunch of people join the group and you chat.”


“It’s knowledge sharing, and mutually beneficial.”

“I like hobbies, cause we are not just who we are at work”

“Use interface looks nice, a really clean design”

“This is like workspace in a box”


“Helps me understand [a topic] across different disciplines.”

“Less intimidating than LinkedIn”

“You build relationships with a group of people you vibe with and can chat with them all the time, even about random stuff, and this becomes a trust-tree.”

“Our human inclination is that we don’t look for competence first, we look for friends, and then hire them. But in reality the best business owners veer towards competence more often than friendships. What’s cool about this [platform] is that I’d like to break out of my network and I can reach out, and this person won’t pat me, and can give me new insight. This is like a competence network, a challenger network which is super valuable to me.”

“Less intimidating than LinkedIn”


“It’s a good prototype. It’s going to be a very useful software”


“I’m a student at HT and in a class. We’re in small groups. We have one project. And we use gmail, google drive, and their [HT] email to communicate. I wish they had something like this so it would be easier to collaborate.”

“This is like workspace in a box”

“Categorized Resources”

Kate testing the Alcye web platform

And with that, this journey ends, and another begins.

“You build relationships with a group of people .. and this becomes a trust-tree”

Find out how Alcye can help you engage and retain learners.

DEMO TIME! Let’s Connect!

If you want to see a demo of Alcye, or would like to stay connected on product updates and traction, please click on the link below and sign up.

“It’s going to be a very useful software”

** A big heartfelt thanks to Impact Hub, Ashley, Reagan, Kelsey, all the mentors, and partners who have helped me! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

