Week 5: Continuing the story

If last week was about Customer Development, this week was about Customer Refinement. Totally made up that phrase.

Recap from last week: I had finally zoned into the whereabouts of my customer.

They were all learning communities.

They all catered to the adult learner (beyond K-12).

They were all imparting education in some form or fashion.

Specifically, my customer is the Owner or Leader of a Learning Program.

This past week, I interviewed a few leaders of learning programs. I even talked to a few cohort members who are teaching adults.

Here are my findings.

> These were NOT regular learning programs [Masters or Professional]

> These are Non-Traditional learning programs [bootcamp, cohorts, training]

> Non-traditional learning programs teaching Adults (not k-12)

> Programs that are taught face-to-face (not online)

> Programs that have 1-to-Many ratio. [One teacher/coach to Many students]

> Programs that do NOT pit students against each other (Hackathons)- gain from collaboration rather than competition.

If we get the customer wrong, then all work is futile. I think ensuring what we are building is suiting the customer is so important.

To that effect, PLEASE reach out if you know anyone who could be a potential customer. Would love to chat with them for a few.

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As far as our cohort meetings go, we had a lovely social last week — dinner among mentors and cohort members. No pics from there, but just take it from me. It was super lovely. But here’s one of me, telling my peeps all about my exciting customer discovery!

