#WI It’s Time To Get Creative With Hiring

All rise! Your Honor Tasha McCarter presided as a judge over ATX Hack for Change last weekend. Congrats and props to St. Edward’s for creating an event and having social justice as a thread throughout all of it’s curriculum. You may now be seated.

ATX Hack for Change @ St. Edward’s Univeristy

‘What are your company’s hiring challenges right now?’ If your answer is anything but ‘Nothing’, let’s talk, because we can help. We know it’s tough out there in Austin right now to recruit talent (Hello 2.6% unemployment). This article from Inc. says it best.

Damn right, it is time to get creative. That’s what #WI is up to. The biggest issue with traditional recruiting is that it usually happens only when the position comes open. By then, it’s too late. 67% of people who get hired know someone within a firm. Personal relationships matter. If your company is only recruiting when jobs come open, the window is so small for it to match a candidates career development aspirations, that you end up a candidate that only works out 50% of the time. Plus, it’s expensive. Who wants to pay those headhunter fees? For VP, Manager, Director & Specialist roles, they add up fast.

#WI works at building the relationships out ahead of the need. We act as a matchmaker, connecting people through unique events, customized recruiting strategies & the latest in networking technology. Companies typically hire us to connect them with communities of talent in Austin they aren’t currently networked in. (ex. Affinity groups of Ethnicity, Gender, Military Service).

So Austin, what’s your hiring challenge?

