#WI Listening Tour.

Find experts. Ask a lot of questions. Have them introduce you to other experts. Ask more questions. Ask everyone else you meet the same questions. Tell them what the experts say and ask what they think. Stay curious and keep listening and connecting.

This is what we’ve been up to the past weeks, setting a goal of hosting thirty one-on-one interviews in three weeks with thought leaders, industry titans, community stakeholders and local Austinites who all have a vested interest in the success of our city and its workforce. Two weeks in, we already have surpassed that goal of thirty and have over one-hundred people that our friends have connected us with to reach out to. We are so grateful for that time, because every introduction, every interview gets us closer. Thank you to everyone supporting #WI.

Our interviews so far have been about 60% business leaders & corporate HR champions, 30% 3rd party service providers and 10% community stakeholders.

If you know of community groups that are active connection points for jobs, we’d love to know about them. Over 60% of job connections are word of mouth, so we are looking also for those informal connection points which could be groups like churches, book clubs, mother’s groups, etc. If you have ideas, please send them over. Every idea is of great value.

What we’ve found is there is a lot of traction and interest in what we are up to. There is also a lot of great work being done in the city already. We intend our project to be a catalyst that connects and complements all the great work being done. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel, let’s just speed it up.

Our Vision -

We’re building an ecosystem that connects top talent from diverse backgrounds and Austin’s most innovative companies. Our success supports Austin in leading corporate culture for the 21st century, building employers of choice and harnessing the creative potential of our biggest asset, Austin’s people.

#WI touring the Walmart Technology Center and meeting with Impact Hub Mentor Paula Nguyen

