#WI Our Greatest Advocates

‘You need to talk to my son,’ our mentor said. ‘He’s really talented.’ She was absolutely right. This wasn’t just a proud Mother’s fawning. In hearing about his experience, leadership skills, mindset and approach, he is extremely talented (probably takes after his Mom) and absolutely a person who’s talents could make a bigger impact in Austin.

These conversations keep happening to us, just by sharing #WI’s vision of connecting top talent to Austin’s most innovative companies. We were handed contact info for a husband by his wife, ‘He’s absolutely brilliant.’ and told by a mother about a daughter recently graduating in marine biology who might want to move back to Austin after her fellowship, ‘She loves her work.’ You think sports agents are great representatives? Our close relationships are phenomenal advocates.

That’s why over 67% of people who get a job know someone within the firm. There is often a person at the firm who can explain and advocate on behalf of the candidate how they can contribute, often based on personal experience (just like your Mom).

Word of mouth is an critical pathway for recruiting talent. What we’ve noticed is if HR or hiring managers are not highly networked in all communities in Austin, they miss out on top talent from those communities they don’t have close relationships with. If this sounds like your firm, let’s talk, we can help.

There’s a better way to connect with top talent and that’s what we are building here at #WI. We’re not sure if it involves hiring Moms to be our talent agents, but we’ll keep you posted ; )

PS Mother’s Day is May 13th — Get on it!

Our Vision -

We’re building an ecosystem that connects top talent from diverse backgrounds to Austin’s most innovative companies. Our success supports Austin in developing leading corporate cultures, building employers of choice and harnessing the creative potential of our biggest asset, Austin’s people.

