Wrapped: our blogs in 2023

Impact Insurance Facility
Impact Insurance
Published in
1 min readFeb 21, 2024

In 2023, we continued to share stories of colleagues and social finance practitioners in the field. Insurance has the potential to promote economic and social development, and our blogs are a proof of their potential. Among the stories stood out in 2023; we showcase three here.

1. Agriculture insurance in India. This series of three blogs offers a reflection on the history of agriculture insurance in India. A first part traces the origins of crop insurance, while a second explores lessons learned and a third reviews the challenges ahead.

2. Increasing health insurance coverage in Kenya. This blog explored ‘Marwa’, an initiative that aims to expand health insurance coverage in Kisumu, connected to Kenya’s National Health Insurance Fund.

3. Product development for inclusive health insurance. This story is a reflection on our Insurance for Development Course and includes highlights from our session on product development for inclusive health insurance.



Impact Insurance Facility
Impact Insurance

The ILO’s Impact Insurance Facility is enabling the insurance sector, governments, and their partners to realise this potential by promoting impact insurance.