A Letter From Brother Isaac A.K.A. Day 3

Youth With A Purpose (YWAP)
Impact Magazine
Published in
5 min readAug 5, 2022

My Unpopular spiritual or not so Spiritual Boothcamp opinion

Now, I know that your leaders must have instructed you all on the spiritual posture you should take in preparation for camp and of course while on that camp ground. I am here to tell you what they will not tell you.

Note; They have done what is very important but what I want to share is equally important. You will thank me when you’re older.


1. Take Enough clothes to camp. Take your best. (If you need to carry 4 bags, do it!)

2. You will likely fall in love on camp or at least like one or two people, matter of fact, this Boothcamp week of August every year, is YWAP retreat a.k.a “where the coolest young people meet to raise the bar of Swagger and Beauty”

Because of the above known fact, you must brace yourself to not lose guard. i.e

-if you’re a boy, don’t let the girls you have a thing for to see you finish. Be unavailable for ’em like you really would not have wanted to. It will make ’em appreciate you more and ultimately help you focus. You will even stand a better chance positioned like this.

-if you’re a girl, smile with all the boys, but let ’em know that you smile with all the boys. Sho get? Don’t give any particular one private obvious attention (He will be hailed in the boys hostel as though he married you, if ppl see you openly showing him special care).

3. It’s one thing to carry good clothes, it’s another thing to carry yourself in them. This is why some of you who do not have enough dope gaj have nothing to lose if you can wear the little you have with grace. How you carry yourself is so important that some of the guys who get the best girls at their Beck and Call on camp are the least dressers, the guys with all the babes are mostly boys who work in the kitchen or stand by the camera. Cordi Linus is usually one of the most non-sending people on camp (as it relates to trying to finish everybody with the most recent clothes, matter of fact Cordi Linus is usually sports master, so he can wear only joggers and jersey but he’ll be looking like he rocking a Tuxedo) but everyone loves him, from Uncle C to facilitators to guys and babes. Ask him for a lecture on how he stays that cool without getting to stress himself (PS; He’s one of the richest on camp but he spends the least, now that’s the Level!). He knows that it’s not what you wear, it is who is wearing it.

3. Contribute during bible studies and group meetings. You know that God is swag on camp so the people who show that they have the knowledge of Him get the most babes for boys (and guys for babes). This is one of the secret reasons the ladies love FIST (most of you will meet him at camp, MKD girls should not fall for this. I repeat, mkd girls, stay woke. I have warned you ahead. You cannot have me and be in the dark of issues).

4. Do not choose to participate in sports that will leave you sweating and breathing like a little goat when you’re done, EXCEPT you’re extremely good at that sport. You don’t want to be dribbled in front of girls from Abuja or Lagos.

5. If you’re a rapper, those unplanned break out sessions of unplanned rap battles of group rapping that happen under the tree, should not be neglected. Go right there and drop bars. That’s an easy way to blow up and secure features in the future. Your destiny helper is usually sitting at some corner watching you. Scouts come for Boothcamp to find artists.

6. Make sure you take a picture with Uncle C. (If you’re smarter, get another picture with his wife- a picture with his wife is nearly more important than a picture with him). He will admit this if you ask him. But, Don’t ask him please.

Ps; make sure you are alone with ’em in the pic. Nobi all those pictures wey 5hundred ppl go dey struggle for slot inside🤨. Ask for the picture on days when people don’t care. Don’t go asking for a picture with Uncle C on standcity night or the last day of camp. You dun cast be that!

7. Befriend the girls in the kitchen if you’re a boy. If you’re a girl, befriend a guy on camp who is called UBA. He is the HEART of YWAP Boothcamp Kitchen. If you secure him, you will never be hungry in your life- on camp.

8. If DC (pst) Sammy handles a class on politics, join that class.

9. If you see a boy or girl you like, do not tell your friend(s). They will go ahead of you, even if they don’t like the person.

10. Never eat in the dining room alone, eat in groups and gist while eating. Nobody looks good eating alone in absolute solitude except you are POS E’s daughter who everybody is trying to be friends with, both the old and the young.

11. Do not sit with one girl everyday, change ’em let ’em not see all of you. Same goes for the girls. Change boys. Experience more people. Nobody should tie you down. Nobody put ring for your finger.

12. Finally, Take a jotter to camp, a very beautiful one that can initiate a conversation. E.g People; I like your jotter.

You; Thanks -with a mild smile — (don’t be too excited that people like your jotter). It is you they like, they are plotting to shoot shot.

I have more things to say to you all, but you cannot bear ’em now. Wait in the upper room for the HolySpirit. He will guide you into ALL Truth (s).

Your brother,



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Youth With A Purpose (YWAP)
Impact Magazine

YWAP is a youth development based non profit organisation that seeks to be the prime source of inspiration to young people globally.