
Christy Ogbenjuwa (lifeasChristy)
Impact Magazine
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2022

I remember as a little girl. One of the hardest things (so I thought) I had to face was taking the plates to the kitchen after meal. So this day wasn’t any different.

“I dropped my spoon first, why should I take the plate to the kitchen” I cried.(My sister and I ate together as at then)
I was about six or there about, my mum prepared rice for lunch. When the meal was served, I brought the food out of the kitchen (bringing the food out was never a problem).

We prayed and started eating. While eating we were watching each other closely, the movement of the hand especially so we could easily notice any sign of “dropping-the-spoon” in time so as not to get “out-dropped”.
We both dropped our spoons at the same time, or perhaps so we claimed.
Now here we go:
A: I dropped my spoon first!
B: No it was I who dropped first!
A: I dropped mine when you were putting yours in your mouth!
B: Stop lying, I dropped mine first
A: I’m not a liar, I dropped first!.

You see, the plate wasn’t even empty yet and the fact that the food was so tasty I wanted more. Imagine the absolute satisfaction I would have derived if I had focused on the main issue, which was “finish this food with pleasure, rub my belly and be well fed”, but instead I was focused on the wrong thing “taking the plate to the kitchen”.

You know sometimes we just get so caught up on the wrong view, we focus on the wrong things and in the long run we loose peace, satisfaction and fulfillment. Remember Peter, he wanted to walk on water like Jesus (matt 14:28), he did, but after sometime he started sinking. WHY?
Wait I thought the Bible said “we can do all things through Christ?
Now that’s the key word “through Christ”.
See peter came out of the boat, walked on water to Jesus, but when he ‘looked’ at the waves churning beneath his feet, he lost his nerves and started to sink.
The “sinking problem” started when he took his focus off Jesus”

Most times we impair God’s designed plan which He desire to exhibit through us because of our own conscious efforts to use common sense and reasoning.

Common sense told peter the waves were going to drown him.
But wait, don’t you think Jesus could see the waves churning beneath peters feet?
Of course He could. Jesus knows and sees everything,if we stay focused on Him instead of things happening around or how we feel, He’ll make everything fall into place (matt 6:33)
Hold unto His word, speak the Word, and everything would align accordingly.
Don’t focus on the plate
Focus on the food in it.
That’s where the ultimate satisfaction lies.


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Oya, fix up 👉🏽 BOOTHCAMP REGISTRATION 👈🏽 come and have a great time.

