My faith fell out of my purse, I tried to find it, but couldn't.

Christy Ogbenjuwa (lifeasChristy)
Impact Magazine
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2022

The other time, I felt like I was losing my faith as doubt was craftily making an ivy around the walls of my heart.

I had questions I had no answers to, and worries that were becoming like a second skin.

It’s funny how the thing you need the most, is the thing you might not want to do at the time you need it the most.

It was at that moment I was grateful for working with YouVersion. Because, for the times when I didn’t want to read the Bible, I found myself reading it because I had to work.

Words were seeping into me even though at first I didn’t notice, the more I proofread bible plans the more I read scriptures, the more I read scriptures the more they kept seeping into me, the more that happened, the more I began to see clearly.

When we go through moments of questions and doubts, it’s then we should move closer to God, not away.

It’s in times like this we should open our Bible more, commune with God, tell him about our doubt, our questions, he wants to hear them and show us a way out.

Isn’t that what a relationship with him means?

You would come to realize that some worries are just mere illusions, or we just need a break. Let's learn to assess our emotions.

I am glad that even in our doubt’s and indecisiveness God remains constant.


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