Romans Chapter 5 & 6.

Post BoothCamp 2023 Review/Tips; Side addendum; Addressing Fruitless Post Camp Talking Stages.

Impact Magazine


The Powers that be have asked me to share my heart. “Obedience is better than Sacrifice, to hearken than the fat of rams"- 1sam. 15:22. This is me 'hearkening' (hopefully that word exists).
To digress a little, talking about 'Fat’, who has checked up on Rohi of Uni Agric centre? We hear he had 4plates of yam in one night on camp? Since he was supposed to be entitled to just 1meal ticket, only Him and God are aware how he pulled that through. Grace! Rohi may be your "Age" mate but he’s definitely not your "Grace" Mate.

Now, to the actual gist. Gimme your ears(eyes actually).

Thinking about it, if there was a 'Pre' Boothcamp’23 Tips then they ought to be a 'Post’. Interestingly, there is an additional request for me to comment on endless talking stages also, especially talking stages that this 1week triggered. Let’s go;

1. Pen & Paper;
First of all, I had advised y'al to make sure you make it to camp with your pen and paper, I'm sure that some listened and the ones with photographic memories that went with their brains' alone did not heed my counsel. You guys!I salama for your mental capacity. With all due respect, be at home with the fact that, that thick brain of yours that you took to Aduvie is weaker than the faintest pen that was used to take down important notes at BoothCamp on paper.
By the way, anytime you hear or read the words "with all due respect" before a statement is made, be sure that whatever is said after those lines is actually meant to disrespect you. E.g. "With all due respect, you're a not smart" notice that the said "due respect" did not erase the fact that you have been called "dull", it actually just creates a soft landing for the abuse.

Not to worry, if you did not take notes in camp, I cannot abuse you, your sins are forgiven(thanks to YWAP media, all sessions can be streamed live on YWAPhq Youtube) but if you did I have another counsel for you;
The biggest hack to making sense of the opportunities you have to listen to powerful sermons is taking note of what you will start doing and what you will stop doing from all you heard while the speaker spoke and swinging into immediately DOing what you have received instruction to DO. If you do this, you have made a proper use of that pen and paper compared to quoting the entire sermon verbatim on paper(something you will hardly go back to until you need to dust that jotter again to take to 2024 Boothcamp, atleast for many of us).
In summary, Do The Word you have Heard

2. Fellowship;
Something about YWAP that you may never find anywhere else is Undiluted Fellowship. This is actually one of the greatest benefits of being in the fold. All kinds of people, different social stratifications, different states, different tribes yet you can almost not tell if Aiken is Yoruba or if Esmo is Igbo(Well, many of you don’t know that Esmo is from Gabon. He’s not Nigerian. Don’t bother calling him to confirm, his phone is bad and he is scarcely online, we thank God for that). It doesn’t matter, in fact, the awareness of our cultural individuality binds us together even more, this is why Nigeria Day on camp is one of my favs.
The Love is real. Bro! Did you see that hall on that STANDCITY NIGHT? You know, we had YWAP members who couldn’t make it on camp come that night and the beauty and energy in that room was unmatched. Men and women from all works of life, team leaders and members alike from different generations, some who are parents in their own rights now. That night, I could only think of the faithfulness of God and the yieldedness of Uncle C to step on that water body God called him out upon on October 27th 1999.

Someone said something about this BoothCamp being beautiful for her, in that she loved to see how much everyone had grown, I totally agree with her. That was another beautiful angle for me to see and appreciate what we have as a Family and what God is evidently doing in our lives.

Departure Day should not be discussed even. Omo, I saw people shedding 3D tears. You could feel the genuineness of the hugs on your skin, you could literally grab the pure exchange of Family emotions in the air and say "Hey, you’re really out here in Aduvie getting adults teary yeah".

Now, the mistake you will make is to sulk for 1whole year waiting for the next BoothCamp because this 1week is Over, without taking advantage of the centre near you, to continue in fellowship. This is why you need to maintain a healthy centre relationship.
Your inability to stay with your centre meetings as you get back home is one of the reasons why you have made talking stage boring for that girl. She thought you were active in YWAP and so you guys have much in common, so there was always mutual topics to talk about, but you went back home and went right back to hanging with those strange boys who play bet naija and talk Nigerian Politics night through till morning, so much so that y'all interest no longer align. I mean, she asks you if you Remember what Rev. Tunde Ayeni said on Day5 evening session and you're asking her who Tunde Ayeni is, you went "is Tunde Ayeni a senator under APC? Look at you!

3. Romans Chapter 5 & Chapter 6;

There’s at least 350days between this camp that has just ended and the next(The end of every YWAP BoothCamp is usually the begining of the year for us). It did not take Chapter 5 of Songs of Solomon, Zaria an entire life time to know that Chapter 6 was the one for him. But you, you plan on waiting for 50 Eke market days to pass, for all the centre concerts within the year, for all the arrow projects in between till another Boothcamp where you come and see another fine girl and get confused.

I have told you guys before that beauty is a skill set of YWAP babes and if you want to witness all the varieties before you graduate talking stage, you will be Apostle Paul on these streets. In fact Apostle Paul is understandable, he did not have intentions to have a spouse, so he was focused. No Face, No Case! but you, your face is in every selfie. We did not know your platoon because you have babes you’re eyeing in Alpha Platoon and Omega alike, even Sigma. Who was your Bible study teacher? Was it Minkir? Was it Ballie? We are not sure, you almost joined SoulRythm at some point because you wanted to sit next to Ella Durojaye from Lagos, what movie did we watch at Movie Night? You don’t know cus you were busy TALKING. You said the movie we saw was "Black Son Bridge", are you happy with your self like this?. Stop Talking and Act!

Omotola and Axcel delivering that piece at StandCity, that could be you and that potential "yours" of yours but you’re still TALKING, Tok-Tok!

I used to be like you, but I got wiser this year. I couldn’t even afford to be on camp as long as you, but look at me, The Lord Settled me because I yielded.

How hard is it to say; Hey Joyce, After Boothcamp’23, I want to be able to call you more often and then ask her to ask you why? And when she goes why? you say;

"Cus I imagine that I Now have Unrestricted Access."(to you)

If she genuinely laughs back at this pick up line. I mean, if you can see child-like glee and reception while she’s replying "Pillar, you ehn, you have words" that’s your queue, you have her, you’ve been graduated to the Tertiary Institution of Love a.k.a Dating (that should lead to courtship, that should then lead to handing Aunty C a YWAP grand child in a few years, of course because you eventually married Joyce of Kaduna Centre).

But you ignored all the signs and went on WhatsApp and chatted her like; "Hello it’s Pillar from YWAP centre, the tall dark and handsome handy technical guy on camp, the Nu Nu level guy. Can we get to know each other? What’s your best food?"

You see, you’re back to square 1 bro. She told you her best food on Day1 of camp, during breakfast, you remember now?. Bro, she’s tired already and you might have just lost her now but my prayers are with you.

Seriously, BoothCamp is actually a retreat for us, to get us up to speed on God's heart and vision for us for the new year and it is expected that we make actual transactions with the Word and Unction we have left with. The Beauty of this 1week is our ability to make sense of the time between the end of this camp and the next, enough to return in August next year knowing that we indeed bore fruits and have returned for another in-filling of the Spirit. Chapter 5 returned after 4years of No Boothcamp with "Fruits", how are you returning next year?

Do Not Forget, You're in the Lord's Army and You Have Unrestricted Access.


