The Face Of Jesus

Youth With A Purpose (YWAP)
Impact Magazine
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2021
Photo: DavidKuko

In 2000B.C, He was still just a prophecy to the Israelites…

But the people didn’t care a bit how He would look,

Regardless of what His face would look like, He would represent freedom!

So in all their knowledge from the prophecies of holy writings and books,

When they would see Him, they would see a better, bigger and more glorious kingdom,

Their emblem of emancipation and liberation.

In 0 AD, He was the promised Baby…unto us a child is born!

The first strains of His cry filled the air as He was born.

His face scrunched up as His lungs tested their strength in His wails,

There wasn’t a halo over His head, just a glow as a fire burned

And when He stilled, He looked like any normal baby in His day.

In 30AD, He was Jesus of Nazareth….

He had sat and taught in the synagogues,

Had sat and dined with people of varying social status,

He had the expected jewish features, but it wasn’t His looks that was on the tongues of the news carriers,

It wasn’t his looks that had Zaccheus struggling to see Him from a tree,

Despite being limited by his brief stature yet determined to meet this famous man of Nazareth. His fame had spread like wild fire through Jerusalem and the Decapolis as the Man who worked miracles and wonders…The One who made people marvel.

33AD, on the cross…behold the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world!

There was nothing to be recognisable about His looks,

Every part of His face marred and covered by blood and wounds,

This was not a face to behold..not after everything He took, not after all He had endured,

Battered and bruised as He was...It was a wonder He still breathed at all.

In 33AD, as the Firstborn from the dead…

Mary could not recognise the face she loved so much, as He stood before her, death and hades defeated.

Even though she beheld her beloved teacher, she knew him not.

The men walking to Emmaus had Him so close they could touch,

but only realised who He was when He had broken bread.

They weren’t familiar with this Ressurected man’s features,

and yet as He spoke there was a burning in their hearts..

Present day…Christ in me the hope of glory!

There have been many pictorial representations of His face

So widely distributed and so frequently put before our eyes,

And when talking about Him sometimes, we recall those images

And maybe alter it based on some thing we have perceived in our minds

The truth though is… He’s not just one face!

And He is not limited to just one mold, no!

He is you, me and all who have been saved

We’re His face…and probably the only one the world would ever know

So Reflect Him truly.

And Soon…the returning King!

We will see Him…

With skin like bronze, eyes blazing like fire and hair as white as wool.

A warrior and king, returning to reclaim His church.

While we wait to see His beautiful face and hear His rumbling voice like thunder,

we have been chosen to be His Face on Earth.

For as He is, so are we in this world!

~Elo & Ballie


We mourn along with Eva and her family as they mourn the death of her Dad.
Say a prayer for them when you get the chance. ❤

Chapta5 gave us something beautiful to listen to, check out The Purpose of pain when you can



Youth With A Purpose (YWAP)
Impact Magazine

YWAP is a youth development based non profit organisation that seeks to be the prime source of inspiration to young people globally.