Unrestricted Chill — A BoothCamp XVII Reflection

Nenkinan Nehemiah Deshi
Impact Magazine
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2023

Here I am going to attempt to write something about Boothcamp XVII. I use the word attempt because even half a week later — I am in awe and am still reeling from the amazing week it was. It was the week I didn’t know I needed. Okay I did, I knew I needed to pull back and enjoy quality time in God’s presence and with family. But I didn’t know exactly what I needed or how refreshing it would be. It’s like, I had a faint idea of what it would be, and God switched it up and wrote the most beautiful story.

I’ve been reading many comments and stories about BCXVII and comparing them with my own story and experience. One thing I have found in most of these testimonies is how BoothCamp was a perfect escape from reality and the stress and pressure of living especially in Nigeria. I don’t like the fact that I can relate. Living in this crazy world especially as young adults in Nigeria can be a hell of a rollercoaster ride. And without a strong anchor, we can end up feeling disillusioned, lost and hopeless in the face of it all. I remember the February 25th elections and the passion of young people nationwide crying for change. I remember the tension in the days leading to the announcement and the pungent feeling in the air when the results were announced and didn’t reflect the hopes and aspirations of many in our generation. It seemed all hope was lost. But this despair is not in God’s plan for us.

I believe God has given us Unrestricted Access — also to peace and joy. As the old Ron Kenoly hit says; “Righteousness, peace, joy in the holy ghost. That’s the kingdom of God”. God does not intend that his precious and beloved children to be at the mercy of the happenings in the world around them. That we are tossed to and fro, high and low by the situations around us. But he has given us unrestricted access through his son, to peace and joy. God is ever ready to be our emotional stabilizer. To be our shock absorber and spring of eternal joy so that come what may, we go be all right. I especially Love Matthew 11:28 in the message translation. Eugene Peterson translates that verse to end with — “I will teach you the unforced rhythms of grace’. Unforced. Peace can be unforced. Grace can be unforced. Living and working from a place of victory and peace, not being worried can be unforced. And through Jesus, we have Unrestricted Access to this, we just need to lay down our burdens and be like the little children we were made to be.

I pray BoothCamp is not the end of our peace and freedom from anxiety and worry period. I pray that you tap more into Christ and the freedom we have in him. I pray that you intentionally make your centres and YWAP meetings a time of focusing on God and not the world around us. The party doesn’t have to end. We are now on a “nu nu level”. Troubles and Nigeria got nothing on us.

Let the church say amen?

Meanwhile, the Platoon Wars results came in and we’re not insinuating anything but appears Alpha and Omega were literal names in this camp.



Nenkinan Nehemiah Deshi
Impact Magazine

Unashamed | Missionary; Claire Aid Foundation, Stefanos Foundation | Writer/Content Development; Sarauta Network | Encourager | YWAP