Jaweria anwer
impact of negative thoughts
4 min readNov 9, 2020



Are we underestimate ourself through our thought? Yes, because there is a great impact of negative thoughts on our way of success, happiness, good health and more other positive things. Basically, negative thoughts are repetitious thoughts that relay only on impact of negativity often called Automatic Negative Thoughts. With the passage of time you believed you are separate from this world and lock up in repository without any hope of happiness. Negative thoughts is a pack of prior thoughts which put bad effect on your health and lead to us on depression, anxiety, stress, and also affect your emotions. It is about us how we survive with these thoughts it is a type of slow poison which badly affect your body physically, and mentally too.


There are some types of negative thinking which vary person to person:

1. All-or-Nothing Thinking: It often use utter terms, such as never or ever. Person lie in this category only think bad side of situation.

2. Focusing on the Negatives: “ Nothing good comes in my hand only sadness are in my way”

3. Negative Self-Labeling: “I am nothing, people saw real face of mine even don’t like to see me dump person”

4. Excessive Need For Approval: “Take all credit of mistakes upon ourselves.”

5. Mind Reading: “I suggest people don’t put me in your good book because I don’t fix in it.”

6. Should Statement: “People should be fair in their all aspects if not than punishment is ready.”

7. Disqualifying The Present: “Worry to finish their task left resting period for later.”

8. Dwelling On The Past: “It give you pleasure feeling when I dwell on what reasons make me unhappy.”

9. Pessimism: “Some good to be happening there must be bad thing waiting to be done. Don’t trust on happiness.”


Well, there are multiple factors which develop great impact of negative thoughts on your body. These negative thinking generate due to some reasons which develop by yourself or by situation. Over thinking about your present what is happening would be done perfect and develop anxiety and it lead to fear and fear develop negative thoughts. Some of you people have big guilt of their mistakes done in past which make unable you to move on. We have to understand no is perfect. Most of the worry about their future what would we achieve in our life and desires would be fulfill. But everything beyond your expectation acquired.


Negative thoughts and emotions are a natural response to disaster and heartache. But extended bouts of negativity can result in serious health problems. Negativity sends our body into stress, or ‘fight-or-flight’ mode. Our bodies are designed to deal with stressful situations by releasing cortisol into the bloodstream, making you more alert and focused. Though some stress is good for us, too much can be detrimental to your health. Extended periods of negativity slows digestion, and decreases the immune system’s ability to fight inflammation. This is also why negative people are more likely to get more sick than optimists.

Some of the common effects of negativity include:

  • Headache
  • Chest pain
  • Fatigue
  • Upset stomach
  • Sleep problems
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Social withdrawal
  • Drastic changes in metabolism (i.e. overeating or under-eating)

Prolonged negativity also hurts mental health, making individuals more likely to turn to smoking or substance abuse as a way of coping.(MARQUE MEDICAL,2020)



Negativity that’s wells up inside of you or in the world around you can quickly become toxic and hold you back from living the life you want. It overcome through different ways if you don’t action to overcome your negativity it become volcano whose ashes burn your health. First you try engage with positive surroundings and positive people who encourage you to thinks in different aspect. Believe in yourself don’t push yourself down to earth. Take a deep breath in hale and exhale with negative thoughts which are harming your mind. Try to divert your mind busy yourself in such things which provide peace in you.


Many of us spend our time in our imaginary world where we are worst person and believed that “I am a bad person no one want to be my friend”. These lines take us to the dark side of every situation. As you know it is not good for your health so try to cope with positive thinking and stop impact of negative emotions and thoughts on your life. When you accomplish your target to think positive you feel relax and great change in your attitude.

The information provided is for general interest only and should not be misconstrued as a diagnosis, prognosis or treatment recommendation. This information does not in any way constitute the practice of medicine, or any other health care profession. Readers are directed to consult their health care provider regarding their specific health situation. Marque Medical is not liable for any action taken by a reader based upon this information



Jaweria anwer
impact of negative thoughts

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