Designing Our Urban Future

The World Health Organization found in 2014 that 54% of the world’s population lived in cities and projected…

What’s Eating You? Probably Software

When we sometimes hear that “software is eating the world,” the specific implications can be difficult to describe before they occur and upset managers who are uncomfortable with change and resist adapting to new market conditions. In food, agriculture and…

What Should $80 Billion Teach the Public about Hunger?

While federal transparency policies have given us sprawling new government “open data” sites, stark disagreements about what information should be “public” have revealed concerning trends in both private industry and government to be…

Words with Feeling — Sentiment Analysis in the Age of Trump

Computational linguistics often depend on distributional semantics, the concept that texts with similar word counts (frequency distributions) are alike, an extension of Leibniz’s Law to language informally called the “bag of…

Evidence Based Sustainability: “Fair” Trade’s Challenge

This month, I’m excited to have a piece in Supply Chain Management Review discussing mounting evidence that Fair Trade has little proven impact on poverty, and the companion piece by professors of supply chain management Robert…

Impact Policy
Impact Policy
Design research for social impact — the data behind making the world a better place
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