7 PR tips for impact businesses

Yonca Braeckman
Impact Shakers
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2021

Want to put your company in the spotlight and boost your status as an authority in your sector? The right PR approach can ensure you remain top of mind among your target group. But what’s the best way to go about it?

Saar Dietvorst & Maxene Willems from PR agency manley point you in the right direction!

1.Offer news

We live in an ultraconcentrated society that’s saturated with stimuli. It’s only possible to stand out from the crowd if your message does as well. Has your company got a jubilee year to celebrate, won a prestigious award, or launched an innovative product? Just a few examples of good anchor points for news.

2.Know your target group

Who are you trying to reach with your communication? Consumers or companies? Or are you looking to attract investors? Adapt your tone of voice accordingly. Integrate the right strategic calls to action. And write your press texts with a specific medium in mind.

3.Prepare key messages in advance

Exactly what kind of story do you want to read in an article or hear in a report about your brand? Prepare max. 3 key messages and focus on those in your press text or interview.

4.Convince with proof points

Already sharpened your key messages? Good! Now you’re ready to throw in a few proof points that will add substance to your story and demonstrate your expertise in your chosen sector. What kind of proof points? Anything from relevant figures to milestones or success stories.

5.Give the floor to your ambassadors

Nothing more credible than a customer or independent expert who confirms your story. Put forward a handful of ambassadors with the potential to champion your business. And make sure they are well informed and up to speed with the story you want to tell.

6.Provide high-quality imagery

A picture is worth 1,000 words. So make sure you have good-quality photos of yourself and your team; images that tell something about the business you’re engaged in and capture the essence of your brand at a glance. There’s nothing worse than a completely unrelated stock photo alongside an article about your product.

7.Be consistent

Ensure all your communication channels reinforce and form one consistent story with your strategic press communication. That includes your newsletters, videos and social media. A consistent story will boost your credibility and reinforce your brand identity.

Saar is one of the judges in the Impact Shakers Awards.

About the Impact Shakers Awards

With the Impact Shakers Awards, our goal is to celebrate the impact ecosystem, to showcase businesses working on societal challenges and to amplify the voice of underrepresented founders. We firmly believe entrepreneurs with a migration background are some of the most resilient entrepreneurs and we encourage you, who is reading this article now, to apply with your solution!

Apply for the inaugural Impact Shakers Awards as an impact business or forward this call to someone whom you think fits the profile and should be recognised.

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