Impact Spheres —Only If You Care About Change

Jurgen Appelo
3 min readJul 1, 2017


An impact sphere is a group of people who care about collaborating with others, care about improving good practices, and care about making a change in the world.

(photo credit: thematthewknot)

I believe that most people want to achieve something in their lives.

I believe that achievements are most likely when people collaborate.

I believe that people collaborate to increase their sphere of influence.

I believe that collaboration often results in a bigger impact on others.

I believe that the size of the impact heavily depends on good practices.

I believe that principles are more important than practices.

I believe that principles are unattainable without supporting practices.

I believe that there are no best practices, only good practices.

I believe that all good practices are only good depending on context.

I believe that we find good practices through continuous iteration.

That’s why I’m starting a project called Impact Spheres.

Impact Spheres \im-ˈpakt ˈsfirs\

An impact sphere is a collaborative effort of a group of people to achieve something together and have an impact on their environment through their shared sphere of influence and by following and improving good practices in an iterative manner.

  • An agile software team is an impact sphere.
  • The newsroom of a TV station is an impact sphere.
  • A political party is an impact sphere.
  • The management team of a business is an impact sphere.
  • A cross-company guild of testers is an impact sphere.

But not all groups of people are impact spheres.

  • The guests in a restaurant are not an impact sphere because they don’t collaborate.
  • A family playing Scrabble is not an impact sphere because they don’t aim to make a change in their environment.
  • A sales team is not an impact sphere when its members don’t follow and improve good practices, in an iterative manner.

To be an impact sphere as a group of people, the most important requirement is to care. Care about collaborating with others, care about improving good practices, and care about having an impact on something or someone that matters to you.

If you don’t care about your impact sphere, I won’t care about your work.

Care About Change

Do you care? Are you part of an impact sphere? Are you curious about this project?

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Jurgen Appelo

Successful entrepreneur, Top 100 Leadership Speaker, Top 50 Management Expert, author of 4 books, junior in humility.