Write for Impact365

Read the guidelines below if you’re interested in becoming a writer for Impact365

Caroline Schley


Photo by Bill Jelen on Unsplash

“Impact 365” is a publication focused on the impact you can make with a single moment, a single story, and a single life.

If you feel like you have influential writing to share, read the guidelines below and consider applying to become a writer.

We’ll cover grammar, formatting, what topics we’re looking for, what we’re rejecting at The Innovation, and some frequently asked questions. Let’s begin.

Table of Contents

  1. Grammar
  2. Formatting
  3. What to Submit
  4. CTAs
  5. How to Submit
  6. How to Become a Writer

1. Grammar

At Impact365, we believe that your writing should have a unique and specific style. However, it’s important that your piece complies with basic guidelines in terms of grammar and formatting. This allows for a uniform quality standard throughout the publication.

Take the time to run a grammar check through a free tool like Grammarly as you are writing in order to ensure the quality of your articles. Pieces with poor grammar may be returned for further editing…



Caroline Schley

YA author, avid reader. New York City born, currently living in Madrid. Personal essays, ex-pat life & self-improvement. Reach out @ www.carolineschley.com