Do this ONE THING before getting a Mentor!

Impactful Changes Hypnosis
5 min readDec 26, 2015
Following the Direction and Guidance of Mentor is Paramount for the Mentee but only if that Mentor know what they are really talking about in the first place..

“I want a mentor!” was the roar that I heard over the crowd of men at a conference in San Francisco. I was in a crowded room surrounded by guys in business suits that cost $5,000.00 each, while there was some hipsters in tight pants, and few relaxed jock types in sweatpants and sweaters. This was a networking group for entrepreneurs in the San Francisco Bay Area. Such a strange time to be in San Francisco right now. So much money and it all being made and produced in a manner that has never been done before. So much abundance and uncertainty that the this particular group of start-up business owners and execs, I like to call them, “The All Dollars and No Sense” group. Sadly enough, it is easy to see the behavior in someone’s action today that they will spend their last dollar to be relevant in the minds of others.

The focus of the presentation for this group was how a business owner just made $10 Million in revenue and owes it all to their Mentor, who was present. This particular business owner was a modest man. He was of Indian descent with no accent. A basic and general degree in Engineering. He had also worked almost 15 years in a corporate position and decided to quit his job and start his own business. He had a great idea. IT was an app to help people with…well, I do not want to give too many clues to him or to the group but it was an app based on the needs of people performing grocery shopping more effectively and at a lower cost. He had got a few Programmers together and had done a bit of coding and searching for the right fit and made this app. Still, there was a problem…..How to properly move forward with his business.

He struggled with his business for two years. Adapting it, molding it, adjusting it to fit the market. He asked for help from mentors and his chief investors but nothing worked.

He continued to struggle in his Marriage and in his relationships with his children and friends. His health was deteriorating as well. Sure he was doing a lot of work and taking action in his business but something was missing from his life. This Entrepreneur knew that he wanted to be “Successful” but what did that really MEAN to HIM!?

During his speech, This Entrepreneur shared his turning point, “I attended an Neuro Linguistic Programming(NLP) workshop for the weekend and they showed me what it meant to have a S.M.A.R.T. Goal was and that exercise lead me to my current mentor. I had no idea how to define my goals and my Successes in My Life until I learned this information that is essential to all business owners and persons who wish to become successful.”

S.M.A.R.T. Goals. I knew what they were due to my being a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming(NLP) myself. This is what S.M.A.R.T. Goals stands for.

With the in depth meaning of what each part meant to him personally both consciously and unconsciously with a Nuero Linguistic Programming(NLP) Master Practitioner, this Man was able to learn where to go from there.

But first, he had to find out what it was that he wanted and to learn how to open his mind up in a manner to examine his unconscious mind to see what is really holding him back from his sought out goals in his business!

Soon he shared with us, “”I learned that my first mistake screaming, “I want a MENTOR!” It was the worse thing ever. So many people were Mentors that were looking for someone to mentor for their own ego and their own success to be re-enforced. It was more about the Mentor than the Mentee! That was not going to work for me. What was going to work for me was to approach an individual who had achieved a level of success and similar or exact achievement in their life, that I WANT TO ACHIEVE!” His voice was filled with so much charm and charisma and confidence as he spoke. His words were so honest and also sounded so similar to what my own mentors had shared with me.

Continuing to speak the Man said, “Get you goals and your desired focus written down on paper and make sure that your whole body, mind and spirit are aligned with those goals and that focus in your life, especially with your Conscious Mind and you Unconscious Mind, if not, you are going to be suffering and in pain for a lot longer! Once I knew what I wanted and my NLP Instructor showed me how to confirm my goals with my Unconscious Purpose and my Unconscious Goals that I did not know that I had in my mind, I became 100% focused and productive. I found my Mentor the next day who had worked at the Corporate Executive Officer level for Logistics and Procurement for several Grocery Suppliers and Chains in the country. 8 months later, my mentor coached me and I placed im on my payroll to reimburse him for his time and I was able to sell my shares in my start-up application back to my chief investors for $10 Million! I am free of the company now and can retire and live my life! I am so happy that I learned how to do my S.M.A.R.T. Goals!”

Finally, an entrepreneur who made it got what so many try to teach about the practical use of Neuro Linguistic Programming(NLP) and the use of mentors.

My only regret though was that I had did a free workshop for that guy a few others on S.M.A.R.T. Goals, still I got to see him give a speech and to meet his mentor that he was calling and telling me about. It was a proud moment for me, but still, I got to see a former client and student succeed.

I am proud of you buddy!

About the Author,

Adam Goodson

The founder and head hypnotist at Impactful Changes Hypnosis of San Diego has been studying hypnosis since 2008 and leading clients to change since 2010.

